CY vs PY and Multiline Chart


Hi All,
I am trying to build a multiline chart that would have 2 Y-axis line chart.

Y1 Axis to show Cumulative Line of YTD Sales vs PY to Date Sales and

Y2 Axis to show YTD Average Sales vs PY to Date average sales.

I have tried all the available line charts and seems not to be the one as per the picture attached.

Also, what's the best approach to calculate previous year to date in DOMO. Watched the brilliant video by @jaeW_at_Onyx on YouTube and seems a little confusing. Could some help please with some direction?

Best Answer

  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓

    I guess it all depends on your specific needs, if showing the average lines is optional, you could go with the default Period Over Period Running Total chart, selecting Month To Date and comparing against 1 Year ago, which would give you something really similar to the image you shared, and has the flexibility that you could change to see Quarter to Date or other time periods with ease.

    Working with Beastmodes adds a lot more flexibility on what you can show, but it can be tricky to control the date range shown, so it is a matter of what works best for you. If you go the beast mode route, you'll need to do a line chart with 4 different beast modes, one per line and work around controlling what will be shown on the X axis, doable, but might require some trial an error.


  • trafalger

    For previous year to date, I do: 

    "Case when Date >= DATE_SUB(CurrentDate, interval 1 year) and Year(Date) = Year(DATE_SUB(CurrentDate, interval 1 year) ) then Value End"

    Find the year value of today's date 1 year ago and only selects dates less than or equal to today 1 year ago. 

  • carthur

    Thanks @trafalger for the response. The beast mode calculation you gave above logically makes sense however, it pulls the same amounts for the current year figures. what could be going on here?

  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓

    I guess it all depends on your specific needs, if showing the average lines is optional, you could go with the default Period Over Period Running Total chart, selecting Month To Date and comparing against 1 Year ago, which would give you something really similar to the image you shared, and has the flexibility that you could change to see Quarter to Date or other time periods with ease.

    Working with Beastmodes adds a lot more flexibility on what you can show, but it can be tricky to control the date range shown, so it is a matter of what works best for you. If you go the beast mode route, you'll need to do a line chart with 4 different beast modes, one per line and work around controlling what will be shown on the X axis, doable, but might require some trial an error.