Making a formula that produces value from another column when conditions are met


Hi, I am trying to make a formula I feel like I have built a million times and for some reason, this is not working for me. Can someone tell me what is wrong with this formula? I am just trying to make a new column in a view that basically says if the "Current Log" checkbox is checked and if the "Website Status" is Published then I want it to grab the value from the "Log Completed Date" to essentially make a "Published Date" field. This is my formula:

CASE WHEN Current Log = 'TRUE' AND Website Status = 'Published' THEN Log Completed Date END

Best Answer

  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    Hmm just a guess but maybe try:

    CASE WHEN TRIM(LOWER(`Current Log`)) = 'true' AND TRIM(LOWER(`Website Status`)) = 'published' THEN `Log Completed Date` END

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  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    Hmm just a guess but maybe try:

    CASE WHEN TRIM(LOWER(`Current Log`)) = 'true' AND TRIM(LOWER(`Website Status`)) = 'published' THEN `Log Completed Date` END

    If I solved your problem, please select "yes" above