how to build a line and stacked bar chart

NathanDorsch Member
edited August 2023 in Charting

I want to build a Line + Stacked bar chart, but am struggling with this.

I've got the bars (clicks) and the line (CTR) created. But I want to break up the bars into a stacked bar based on a field (site). I would normally put the site field in the series option - but I have to place the clicks there in order for it to populate the bars.

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can combine the metrics together in the same dataset and use the Site as your series so it'd look something like this:

    Here's what the sample dataset looks like:

    One thing to look out for would you may need to enforce the sorting so that the CTR comes before the other sites so that it'll show up as the line. You can also set the different formats / scales for the line and bars individually. You can do this with a beast mode to set a sort value:

    CASE WHEN `Site` = 'CTR' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END

    And then use that in your sort on your card.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can combine the metrics together in the same dataset and use the Site as your series so it'd look something like this:

    Here's what the sample dataset looks like:

    One thing to look out for would you may need to enforce the sorting so that the CTR comes before the other sites so that it'll show up as the line. You can also set the different formats / scales for the line and bars individually. You can do this with a beast mode to set a sort value:

    CASE WHEN `Site` = 'CTR' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END

    And then use that in your sort on your card.

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