Connection error while connecting to SQL Server.


I'm getting the below error while connecting to MS SQL Server. Please let me know if have any solution related to this error.
Thanks in Advance.

In the below images, we can see the steps I followed. and the error I got.

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    It sounds like an issue with your username and password. Have you confirmed they are correct? Are you able to use the same connection information with the MSSQL application outside of domo to connect to the database? Have you confirmed the server name is correct?

    Do you have an IT department to work with to confirm the connection information?

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    It sounds like an issue with your username and password. Have you confirmed they are correct? Are you able to use the same connection information with the MSSQL application outside of domo to connect to the database? Have you confirmed the server name is correct?

    Do you have an IT department to work with to confirm the connection information?

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  • Saseendra

    Hi Smith,
    Firstly thanks for the replay. The credentials used in the domo were the same as the MS SQL.