How to show YTD data in Tabular format?

I want to display YTD data in a tabular format. How can I achieve this using BM. I have a dataset with columns like 'Date' and 'Metric'

The attached screenshot is a general idea of how I'm trying to organize the data.

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @SayyedHussain If you want to only include months to date you can add a beast mode filter like the one below:

    case when MONTH(`Date`) <= MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) then 'Include' else 'Exclude' end


  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    edited July 2023

    @SayyedHussain You can accomplish this with a pivot table card with MONTHNAME(`Date`) and YEAR(`Date`) as your columns and rows, respectively, and `Metric` as your values. You can also use MONTH(`Date`) to sort your months chronologically

  • @Michelle Thank you for your response. I used a Pivot table and utilized the MonthName and Year functions.
    However, it is currently showing data for all months of both the current and previous years. The goal is to show data for the current year from starting of the year to current month as well as data for the previous year. This will allow for a comprehensive view of the YTD data.

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @SayyedHussain If you want to only include months to date you can add a beast mode filter like the one below:

    case when MONTH(`Date`) <= MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) then 'Include' else 'Exclude' end
  • @MichelleH It's working as expected now. Thank you for your help!! 😀