Dashboard Page Filter bar - limit the filterable columns

Hi, I'm trying to find out if there is a way to only limit the filter in the filter bar to a pre defined set.


I have a data set that contains private data.

I want to use that SAME dataset on 2 different dashboards.

Dashboard 1, you would see all the columns so you can filter

Dashboard 2, you would only see a defined set of filters.

For example, in the screenshot below, I would want to hide admissions_email from Dashboard 2

Is there another way I can achieve this without having 2 datasets?


Best Answer


  • DashboardDude
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Seth ,

    One thing you can do is just make a card as a filter and then take out Admissions_email as an option in dashboard 2.

    I made you a video to show you: https://www.loom.com/share/b3e72a2b72084aca85929b6b26f65ac3

    John Le

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  • Seth
    Seth Member

    Hi DashboardDude!

    Thanks for the video.

    So if basically wanted them to be able to filter to a depth of 3, then I would just put that filter on 3 times, and not show the page filter bar or let them drill down to the data set correct?

    Is there any other way? As I'm sure you are aware, each one of those cards are an "Impression" on an embed dashboard. So it will have a cost of 4 vs a cost of 1, if I am able to use the page filter bar. Those costs add up fast!