

Need ElasticSearch Connector settings example


I am unfamiliar with how to query data in ElasticSearch. I was recently walked through some of the Elastic UI and learned about filters and lenses, but this information doesn't seem relevant to the fields of the connector. Attaching a screenshot here of the required fields for the ElasticSearch Connector. Would anyone be able to show me an example of what to enter in these fields, or point me in a direction of how I can learn more about querying data this way in Elastic?



  • Domo Employee
    edited March 2023

    Hello @mlee

    Here is the doc link on how to write query examples Site faviconQuery string query | Elasticsearch Guide [8.6] | Elastic

    Regarding the indexes, I would request you to please reach out to your Kibana/Elastic Admin or if you have access to the dev tools console in Elastic UI please run the below CURL command to output all the indexes

    1. curl http://{your_host}:{your_port}/_aliases?pretty=true

    Thank you!


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