getting the %_name on donut chart slices

Can somebody please, please, please tell me what I am doing wrong with this donut chart??? I want the chart to show the name of the value followed by its count. Like the donut shows in this instruction -

I can get the count in with %_value... but for the life of me, I cannot get the %_name to show.... this should be so simple, yet is so frustrating!


  • Hi @NathanDorsch, could you clear all the chart properties (including the sort) and then see if the data label defaults to name as it notes when hovering over the setting field:

    You can then add in '%_Value' along with name after it correctly displays labels

  • @NathanDorsch The count is not showing due to field added in the sorting. First you have to clear all the fields, then you will be able to show count on pie by right click on value field.

  • Hi @NathanDorsch, how did you go?