Multiple date filters on single Dashboard

JohnnyN Member
edited November 2022 in Charting

Hi... I have created Dashboards with Multiple Date filters. Effectively the top half of the dashboard uses DataSet_1 and the bottom half of the dashboard DataSet_2


[ Date Filter ] for Cards A, B and C using DateField_1 from DataSet_1

[ Card A ] [ Card B ]. [ Card C ]


Date Filter for Cards D, and E using DateField_2 from DataSet_2

[ Card D ] [ Card E ]


When filtering using either of the date filters it seems that all the cards on the page are affected.

What I would like is when using the Date filter for the top half of the dashbaord only cards associated with DateField_1 from DataSet_1 are filtered and the same for the bottom half. When using the Date filter for the bottom half of the dashbaord only cards associated with DateField_2 from DataSet_2 are filtered.

Any idea why a date filter affects all cards on the dashboard irrelevant to which date fields the cards use?




  • amehdad

    Hi @JohnnyN, domo dashboards are smart enough to pick up common filtered values/dates even if they fall in different datasets. To set certain cards and filter relationships, you can go to the filter cards and edit how the interactions occur in the dashboard. To do so, you would:

    - Click the spanner icon, 'Edit Dashboard', click 'Edit Content' on the filter cards, 'Change Interactions', and then select/deselect as desired

  • user00450

    I tried this and it is grayed out, so I can't choose this. Do you know of any fix?

  • JohnnyN

    Hi @user00450
    I didn't go down the route mentioned. I think I may have had the same problem as yoursef at the time.

    What I did was to use a different date field in the date filter cards. And then select this field in each of the cards that you want to respond to the filter.

    For me I had one dataset with a filter field of date and another dataset with a filter date of duedate. Simply map each card in teh top right of the chart to the appropriate field used in teh date filter card.

    Hope this helps.

  • user00450

    I did that as well. I had 2 date filter cards using 2 different datasets where I chose a date for each then made sure the cards I wanted to change using the filters used the same date in analyzer under the same area. However it didn't matter what date filter I used it still changed all cards on the page even though some of those cards were using date from the other filter.

  • JohnnyN

    Hi @user00450
    Was the name of the date field different in each dataset: IE:
    - Dataset 1 has field named - for example - DS1_date
    - Dataset 2 has field named - for example - DS2_date

    Not sure if simply createing a beast mode column with a different name would work but you can give it a try.