Google analytics filter capabilities

Is there a way to see google analytics campaign data filtered by Source or Medium? They are imported as two different data sets and I don't see a common key that I can join the two by.


  • You can pull a custom defined report in the connector setup with Google Analytics and select the fields you wish to pull in. You can select Source and Medium as two separate fields to include.

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  • Hi @Jim_C ,

    So you can pull in Source Medium from the GA connector as @GrantSmith mentions. Then if you use Advanced Filters, you can select any filter you want. Domo actually has a filter builder which is WAY COOLER than it used to be. I used to have to write in some gnarly JSON code, but now Domo will do that for you. Here's a video:

    This was that old JSON code I mentioned:


        "dimensionFilterClauses": [


                "filters": [


                        "dimensionName": "ga:sourceMedium",

                        "operator": "EXACT",

                        "expressions": [

                            "Thing you want to filter"







    But honestly don't even both with this if you can use their filter builder instead.

    Good luck to you,

    John Le

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    John Le

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  • You rock! thanks John.