Magic ETL

Magic ETL

Parsing Dates with Different Formats

Does anyone have any guidance for using a formula/function in a beast mode or using the regex functionality to ensure Domo recognizes all of the dates below as the same?

  • 5/12/2022
  • 5/12/22
  • 2022-05-12
  • 5.12.2022
  • 5.12.22


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  • You can wrap a couple REPLACE functions around your field that replaces the hyphens and periods with slashes followed by the DATE function to format these as date. It would look something like this:

    1. DATE(
    2.  REPLACE(
    3.  REPLACE(`String`,'-','/')
    4.   ,'.','/')
    5.  )
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  • Thanks - that worked for most of the entries - but now all the ones that had 22 as the year vs. 2022 still aren't showing up well. So I'm left with the remaining formats:

    • 22-5-20
    • 22-2022-05

    I thought about doing a replace on 22 to 2022 but I'm afraid that will impact 5/22/2022 items.

  • Can you post your formula? Wrapping the DATE function around everything should normalize the years.

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  • DATE(


     REPLACE(`Interview Scheduled Date`,'-','/')



  • Actually the dataset errored out - let me investigate further.

  • It keeps erroring out noting "Failed to convert value '005/27/22' from type 'String' to type 'Date'."

    I then added to your formula



     REPLACE(`Interview Scheduled Date`,'/','-')



    But I got this result, "Failed to convert value '05-27-22' from type 'String' to type 'Date'."

  • See how close this gets you:

    1. DATE(
    2. REPLACE(
    3. REPLACE(
    4. REPLACE(`Interview Scheduled Date`,'00','')
    5.  ,'-','/')
    6.  ,'.','/')
    7.  )

    This still might not work for 100% of your data because it seems like you have rows with 2 digit years in different spots and Domo won't know if that is a year or a day. You might need to try and thinking about incorporating a case statement as well and performing different logic based on certain conditions.

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  • Got it - I will look at the case logic - from your last note - I got the following error:

    "Failed to convert value '22/04/18' from type 'String' to type 'Date'."

  • I think the logic is helpful enough - I think I will have to add some data validation to the front end.


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