DDX HTML Links Dropdown App use

elicohen Contributor

Does anyone have ideas for how to actually use the DDX HTML Links Dropdown App? I've downloaded it and populated the navbar with drop-down links to different cards. However - when I move the nav bar to a dashboard, the dropdowns are limited to the space allocated to the card - so they get cut off. For the app to function, it seems like Domo expected us to allocate a large swath of dashboard real estate to accommodate the dropdowns. Is that right? (I hope not)

Best Answer

  • ST_-Superman-_
    Answer ✓

    @elicohen this looks like it is still an issue today. My "solution" has been to just use the navigation bar without utilizing drop down menus. I agree that the usefulness of this brick is limited by the drop down menus not being able to extend beyond the frame of the card.

    “There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.” -Superman


  • @elicohen since DDX bricks are so new, I expect to see a lot of future releases addressing issues that come up as people try to use them.

    This appears to be a CSS issue. Have you tried changing the z-index on the navbar menus to see if you can get it to float over cards below this one in your dashboard? I think that is the property to tweak to try and get this to function without having to dedicate a lot of vertical space to your navbar card.

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  • You've got a limited space because of the canvas the card is displayed in. You'd need to utilize some JavaScript to allow your menu bar to auto-scroll instead of attempting to display the entire menu. This way it'd have a fixed height but still allow you to scroll through all your options.

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  • elicohen
    elicohen Contributor

    Here's another example of how it looks after I changed the z-index to 9999... still no dice, @MarkSnodgrass. Also, @GrantSmith - It doesn't feel like the auto-scroll will look right either unless I expand the card real estate - but that won't look esthetically pleasing on the dashboard.... Looking for more ideas...

  • ST_-Superman-_
    Answer ✓

    @elicohen this looks like it is still an issue today. My "solution" has been to just use the navigation bar without utilizing drop down menus. I agree that the usefulness of this brick is limited by the drop down menus not being able to extend beyond the frame of the card.

    “There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.” -Superman