Can you freeze a column(s) in a table?

I have a mega table I'm building, which would require scrolling over (which is fine...), but I want the first couple columns frozen. Is there a way to do this?


  • Hi @User_32265

    You can freeze a specific number of columns on the left side of the mega table. Under General there's an option for "Number of Locked Columns" to input the number of columns to lock/freeze. When columns are locked, they always appear in the table, even when scrolling to the right.

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  • Thanks! Is there a way to enable wrap text and a horizontal scroll bar? When I wrap text, it fits the entire table within the page and makes the columns extremely narrow to fit them. Since I'm going to have many columns and fields with a lot of characters, I'd like to have a little wrap text (maybe 3-4 lines) to be able to read the entire field - without consuming too much of the vertical space...

  • I don't believe there's a way to have the best of both worlds. It's either wrap text to fit everything or have a scroll bar. That might be a good idea for the idea exchange.

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