

Chart Type



I am trying to build a card that mimics an Excel report (See attached).  User could select 1 and (only 1) building number from a Filter, and the data would populate accordingly.  What is the right chart type to achieve this?




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  • Member
    Answer ✓

    I found that the Transpose option on the Table Chart Type met my needs.  Thanks for the advice


  • I would suggest the pivot table card so that you can get it in the layout you want. I would also make Building Number a quick filter and then click on the wheel cog of that quick filter and choose Single Select, so that they can only choose one building at a time.

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    I tired the Pivot Table but defaults to Count Aggregation for non-numerical fields like Address or State.  Do you have any other suggestions?

  • I assume in your raw data you have one row per building and then the metrics going across in columns.

    If that's the case then you need o collapse the metrics such that your end result is one row per building per metric.  (use the collapse columns MagicETL tile).


    Then you can pivot as @MarkSnodgrass  where Metric is in Rows and the Value is the Metric Amount.


    One of the challenges though is the the Metric Amount column will want all the data in the column to be of the same data type.  So if one Metric is measured as an Integer, and another metric is text, percent, or decimal, getting the proper formatting might be tough.


    @user045611 wrote:



    I am trying to build a card that mimics an Excel report (See attached).  User could select 1 and (only 1) building number from a Filter, and the data would populate accordingly.  What is the right chart type to achieve this?




    Jae Wilson
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  • Member
    Answer ✓

    I found that the Transpose option on the Table Chart Type met my needs.  Thanks for the advice

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