PDP Util - How to reset instance and/or token

This article relates to the  PDP Policy Autocreation java tool. See KB article: https://knowledge.domo.com/Connect/Personalized_Data_Permissions_(PDP)/PDP_Policy_Autocreation


There are multiple reasons why you may need to reset the configuration of the tool, including repointing to another instance or resetting the the token due to token expiry.


The steps to reset the tool's configuration are:


1. Delete the config\application.properties files that sits under the PDP Util's folder, in this example's case, the PDP Util's jar file is placed in Z:\PDP Util\. Make a backup of the file if needed, e.g. a rename to application.properties.backup is enough for the tool to not see it and for you to have a copy to revert to.


2. Start the PDP Util by running the following command from the directory where the jar is located. This will start the graphical user interface of the tool, where you will be prompted to enter the instance URL (needs to be the full instance-name.domo.com URL) and a token (the token you get from the Admin screen in your Domo instance):

PS Z:\PDP Util> java -jar '.\PDPUtil-2.28.jar'

Picture 1.png


3. After entering the Domo Domain and the Token, you should get a login success message, then prompted to enter the Datasource ID of the dataset containing the configuration of the PDP policies. For more information on what that config dataset should look like, take a look at the KB article, link provided earlier.

Picture 2.png


4. The PDP Util should find the dataset and give you a preview of the data in there. In this case there is only 1 row, which is shown in the preview:

Picture 3.png


5. Click on Execute, which will create the PDP rule on the target_ds dataset. The tool will display some useful info in the terminal where you ran the command. Look for the "PDP Policy Created" info message and that the error code is 0.

Picture 4.png

Picture 6.png


6. Check the newly created application.properties file in the config folder. It will contain the Domain and an encrypted string of the token provided in the earlier steps. Note that you cannot just paste the token that you get from Domo as that won't be encrypted, you will also get an "Invalid Header" error when you run the tool.

Picture 5.png


Other troubleshooting tips:

  • If you are getting a Java Socket Exception error, check that your terminal (CMD/PowerShell,etc) is not restricted from reaching out to the internet. Try runining "ping google.com" to make sure that you have connectivity. If ping doesn't work, reach out to your network administrator as likely there are some restrictions.