Beast Mode division calculation not work

Hello everyone, 


I've read other related posts and tried with my case but still failed, see if anyone could help. Thanks in advance!


I try to get the % of certain rating (with 'green' or 'acceptable'), but I always get the result=2 with my formula. However, it returns the correct count when I do the numerator and denominator separately, but just failed to get the divided number. note: I need DISTINCT as the `Factory ID` in my case have mutliple records in data.

my formula is like this: 

COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE when lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%acceptable%' or lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%green%' then `Factory ID` end)) / COUNT(DISTINCT `Factory ID`)


fyi., I have also tried these as suggested in some posts but also failed to get the correct result: 

i tried this: 

case when COUNT(DISTINCT `Factory ID`)=0 then 0 else
(COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE when lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%acceptable%' or lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%green%' then `Factory ID` end)) / COUNT(DISTINCT `Factory ID`)) end


and also either of these - both return a super large value:

case when COUNT(DISTINCT `Factory ID`)=0 then 0 else
(COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE when lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%acceptable%' or lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%green%' then `Factory ID` end)) / COUNT(DISTINCT `Factory ID`) over ()) end


(COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE when lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%acceptable%' or lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%green%' then `Factory ID` end)) / COUNT(DISTINCT `Factory ID`) over ()) 


Much appreciate if anyone can help and share your thought! THANKS in advance!





  • Jarvis
    Jarvis Domo Employee

    Hello Nek,


    If you have live support included in your package I would reach out to support directly. If a member of the support team can visually see your data and how it's working they may be able to offer you the answers you are looking for.



  • ST_Superman
    ST_Superman Domo Employee

    can you show what kind of card you are using the calculation on?  I tried to create a sample data set and found your calculation performing correctly.

  • thanks Jarvis! can you advise how to check if i have live support in my package? I am using company's account for DOMO. thank you!

  • thanksST_-Superman-_!


    my data is like factory-case-level, each factory might have multiple cases while there is the same status for each factory.
    what I want to do is to compute the % of total factories with the status named like '%green%' or '%acceptable%'

    so at first I tried a formula this way:
    numerator: to get the distinct count of factory with the required status
    denominator: to get the total distinct count of factory


    COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE when lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%acceptable%' or lower(`Latest FA Rating`) like '%green%' then `Factory ID` end)) / COUNT(DISTINCT `Factory ID`)


    however, it always returns 2 from this formula


    please let me know if any more details I should provide.


    thanks a lot for your help in advance!!


    best regards,