extracting data from Epic EMR system

I'm looking to connect with a customer or gain some insight from any users that leverage Epic (Electronic Medical Record system) as a data source. I am trying to understand the best way to extract our data from Epic to SQL Server with an ETL process or push subsets of the data directly to Domo. 


Any info will help - thank you!



  • guitarhero23
    guitarhero23 Contributor

    I'm not very familiar with Epic to know if a simpler integration exists but it seems you could use Epic Clarity to get the data in a SQL Server database and then use Domo Workbench from there to get it to Domo. That way you don't have to try to develop some sort of Custom connector to Epic.


    Epic Clarity

    Because of the data return restriction put upon Epic Reporting Workbench and the need for longer reports, Epic uses a Clarity database. This database is a relational database and can either be an Oracle or Microsoft SQL database. It is housed on its own server and has no impact on day-to-day operations of the EPM.

    It’s using Epic Clarity that you would run YTD or several years of data reports. Reports created using Clarity are referred to as “analytical reports,” and there is no restriction on the amount of data that can be returned. However, unlike Reporting Workbench, the data is all ways one day behind Chronicles.

    This is due to a process called ETL — extract, transform, and load. This is a process that is run every night in which Chronicles data is extracted, transformed to fit the relational database, and then loaded into the database tables. Once the data is loaded, it can be used as the data source for a report. This is accomplished using a tool called SQL. SQL is a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS). These are your “select” and “from” statements and are called SQL script.

    Once the SQL script has been created, it is used as the data source in a report-authoring tool such as Crystal Reports. Crystal gives the report its polished look.

    **Make sure to like any users posts that helped you and accept the ones who solved your issue.**
  • Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to chime in with my thoughts on this topic. I totally get where you're coming from, bduncan717. Dealing with EMR data, especially from a mammoth system like Epic, can be quite the puzzle. I have some experience with Epic integrations, so I hope my insights can be helpful. (I tested this for about a year while working on a project at Andersen, so I know exactly what I'm talking about).

    Connecting Epic to SQL Server could be smoother than you might think. Leveraging Epic Clarity for extracting data into a SQL Server database is a good step. It's like hitting two birds with one stone - you get the data in a more accessible format and it's a relatively familiar process for your SQL Server.

    Now, when it comes to pushing subsets of data to Domo, Domo Workbench can be a great bridge. It's designed to streamline such data transfers, making your life easier. Developing a custom connector might sound enticing, but in this case, simplicity might outweigh the allure of customization.

    Advice for bduncan717: Take it step by step. Don't hesitate to tap into Epic's support resources - they can surprise you with helpful insights. Also, ensure you're compliant with data security and privacy regulations throughout the process.

  • If you're looking to extract data from the Epic EMR system, there are a few best practices you can consider. You can connect with other customers or users who leverage Epic as a data source to gain insights and learn from their experiences. Additionally, you can explore the best way to extract your data from Epic to SQL Server by using an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process or by pushing subsets of the data directly to Domo.

    For more detailed information and guidance on EMR system, you can check out this link: https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/how-to-create-emr-ehr-system/

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

  • Hey there,

    I haven’t used Epic in a while, but I believe the green tint you're referring to might be a display setting or a color scheme within the system. As for extracting data, I’m also exploring ways to push data from Epic to SQL Server or Domo. Any tips?