Facebook data table

user04166 Member
edited March 2023 in Datasets

Hi, We are new to DOMO and are just getting it set up.  We haven't done any connection either.  There are a few platforms we need to connect to AND do the metric match up among the.  My first question is, where do you get the FB data field parameters? I wanted to start working on the match before getting things connected. Is this possible? 


  • When you say you haven't gotten connected yet, do you mean you want the schemas for the Facebook datasets before bringing them in?  I'm not sure that is possible to pull without bringing the datasets into your instance.  There are multiple Facebook apps and many tables available within each of those.  


    You can always sign in as yourself to pull in tables and explore if your company is not ready for you to bring in their FB data.  It's quite easy to switch accounts later.  


    When you are ready, there are governance tables in Domo, which you can bring into your instance.  Simply search Domo Governance Datasets in the appstore.  The table you want for this is #6 - Dataset Schemas.  



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