Default card properties

There's certain properties I almost always want in my cards, like Data label: %_VALUE, disable animations or disable gridlines.

Is there a way to make these properties default for all new cards?


  • cwolman
    cwolman Contributor

    My recommendation would be to create cards of charts that you commonly use and set the base default properties.  Use these cards as templates and always start a new card by creating a copy of the template for the card you are building.

  • I agree with the questioner here - it would be useful if we could set certain defaults both to datasets and card design.



    Always abbreviate values

    Always zero decimal places

    Remember that column called "revenue" is a currency amount

    Default auto-preview to "off" for all users (surely this benefits the whole community as collective CPU will go down?)


    We can do defaults with e.g. colors so it doesn't seem too big a stretch to extend to the other features.

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