Beastmode Between Specific Dates

How can I write a beastmode to return data between two dates? For example 

CASE WHEN 'Date' >= 10/01/2016 and <= 09/30/2017 then 'value' else 0 end




Best Answer

  • Godzilla
    Godzilla Contributor
    Answer ✓

    try this:

    CASE WHEN `Date` >= '10/01/2016' and `Date` <= '09/30/2017' then `value` else 0 end


    I noticed you had single quotes around the field names. the field names should have the ` character(on the same button as tilda)

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  • Godzilla
    Godzilla Contributor
    Answer ✓

    try this:

    CASE WHEN `Date` >= '10/01/2016' and `Date` <= '09/30/2017' then `value` else 0 end


    I noticed you had single quotes around the field names. the field names should have the ` character(on the same button as tilda)

    Domo Arigato!

    **Say 'Thanks' by clicking the thumbs up in the post that helped you.
    **Please mark the post that solves your problem as 'Accepted Solution'
  • Worked, thank you!