Set up timezone in Snowflake-Connector, if i am in CET?

Hi all,


do you know how to set up timezone in Snowflake-Connector, if i am in CET?

DOMO is set up to CET-Timezone, the data in Snowflake is also in CET, but the connector changes data for 2 hours difference.


Many thanks in advance and have a great day!


Best Answer

  • Jarvis
    Jarvis Domo Employee
    Answer ✓


    As a best practice, we highly recommend that you import all data into Domo as UTC timezone timestamps. UTC is commonly used as a business standard baseline for moving data from one platform to another.

    There are options for converting your timestamps to CET or other timezones once the data is imported into Domo with UTC timestamps. Here is our knowledge base article on the topic including more details on why UTC is used, and how to convert the data once we have it within Domo.

    Thank you.


  • Jarvis
    Jarvis Domo Employee
    Answer ✓


    As a best practice, we highly recommend that you import all data into Domo as UTC timezone timestamps. UTC is commonly used as a business standard baseline for moving data from one platform to another.

    There are options for converting your timestamps to CET or other timezones once the data is imported into Domo with UTC timestamps. Here is our knowledge base article on the topic including more details on why UTC is used, and how to convert the data once we have it within Domo.

    Thank you.

  • Hi @Jarvis,

    many thanks for the quick reply and for the help!