Fix for concatenated summary number rounding issue - use to articulate data in full sentences

For the past three years we have been using concantinated summary numbers to articulate the results of our multitouch attribuiton models. I hope that sharing these will spark some interest in experimenting with more literary articulations of your data. 



We have been experiencing some issues since the update where concantenated summary numbers ignore ROUND() funtion and show many decimal points.   Previously calculation on percentage functions in beastmodes have displayed properly prior to multiplciation for the hundred but it seems like now the round must be more specific. 



Gross Response and Conversion Rate Sample:  
xx% Unique Members Conversion Rate, xx.00000000000001% Enrollment Conversion Rate, xxxxxx Gross Response
CONCAT( ROUND((SUM(`Calculated Members`)/COUNT(`Gross Response`)),2)*100,'% Unique Members Conversion Rate',',',' ', ROUND((SUM(`Calculated Enrollments`)/COUNT(`Gross Response`)),2)*100,'% Enrollment Conversion Rate'
,',',' ', COUNT(`Gross Response`),' ','Gross Response')
xx.xx% Unique Members Conversion Rate, xx.xx% Enrollment Conversion Rate, xxxxxGross Response
CONCAT( ROUND((SUM(`Calculated Members`)/COUNT(`Gross Response`))*100,2),'% Unique Members Conversion Rate',',',' ', ROUND((SUM(`Calculatied Enrollments`)/COUNT(`Gross Response`))*100,2),'% Enrollment Conversion Rate'
,',',' ', COUNT(`Gross Respone`),' ','Gross Response')
Marketing Leads Percentage Summary Numbers 
Before:  Gross Response, xxxxxxx: xx% Previously Converted Member. xx% Converted Lead. xx% Non-Converted Lead. 
'Gross Response, ', round(count(`Gross Response`),2), ': ',

round(count(CASE WHEN (`Members Date` < `Leads Date`) THEN `Phone`END )/(count(`Gross Response`)),2)*100 ,'% Previously Converted Member. ',
round(count(CASE WHEN (`Members Date` >= `Leads Date`) THEN `Phone`END )/(count(`Gross Respose`)),2)*100 ,'% Converted Lead. ' ,
round(count(CASE WHEN `Members Date` IS NULL THEN `Phone`END )/(count(`Gross Response`)),2) *100,'% Non-Converted Lead. '

After  Gross Response, xxxxxx: xx.x% Previously Converted Member. xx.xx% Converted Lead. xx.xx% Non-Converted Lead.
'Gross Response, ', round(count(`Phone`),2), ': ',

round(count(CASE WHEN (`Members Date` < `Leads Date`) THEN `Phone`END )/(count(`Gross Response`))*100,2) ,'% Previously Converted Member. ',
round(count(CASE WHEN (`Members Date` >= `Leads Date`) THEN `Phone`END )/(count(`Gross Response`))*100,2) ,'% Converted Lead. ' ,
round(count(CASE WHEN `Members Date` IS NULL THEN `Phone`END )/(count(`Gross Response`))*100,2) ,'% Non-Converted Lead. '




Bonus code, if you retain gross outreach records: 


Of the xxxxxx members who received this outreach, xxxxx remained a member xx.x% | xxxx is not currently an active member xx.x%



'Of the ', COUNT(distinct`Member ID`), ' members who received an outreach, ',

count(distinct (CASE
when `Active = 'Yes' then ` Member ID`
end) ) ,

' remained a member ',

round((count(distinct (CASE when `Active ` = 'Yes' then `Member ID` end) ) /COUNT(distinct`Member ID`) *100),1), '% | ',

count(distinct (CASE
when `Active ` is null then `Member ID`
end) ) ,

' is not currently an active member ' ,
round((count(distinct (CASE when `Active ` is null then `Member ID` end) ) /COUNT(distinct`Member ID`) *100),1), '% '



  • ST_Superman
    ST_Superman Domo Employee

    This is a great tip.  Thanks for sharing.  It did spark some thought around possible improvements to summary numbers.  I posted an idea, please upvote here



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