redshift transform year_month

I am trying to do some transforms within a Redshift Data Flow where I need the year and month from a date field in the form of YYYYMM so I can do some math with it. I thought I could use the extract(year_month from date) function, but I get the following error:


The database reported a syntax error. [Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: Invalid date part for DATEPART/EXTRACT: Details:<br>----------------------------------------------- error: Invalid date part for DATEPART/EXTRACT:<br> code: 8001 context: Invalid date part:year_month. query


Here's an example: 


SELECT extract(year_month from CURRENT_DATE);


What is the proper syntax for this? 

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  • Hi,

    Is anyone able to help out with this request?


  • I decided to go in a different direction and get the data in the format I needed in the workbench rather than in the dataflow

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