How to format month to show as "December" instead of "12/1/2017"??

I am pulling data from an excel file that needs to be formatted as "MM/DD/YYYY", however, when I display the data on a graph, I want the x axis to show, in this example, "December" instead of "12/1/2018".  How can I make that happen?


  • When you're in the analyzer of your card. Create a BeastMode and use the following formula:


    Just replace Date with your date field.


    If you're showing more than one month, you'll also need a BeastMode to sort your months correctly. You can use this one:

     /* Since using monthnames only for X axis, this provides ordering with the most current month on the far right */
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 1 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 2
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 2 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 3
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 3 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 4
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 4 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 5
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 5 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 6
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 6 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 7
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 7 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 8
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 8 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 9
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 9 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 10
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 10 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 11
    WHEN MONTH(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), interval 11 MONTH)) = MONTH(`Date`) THEN 12

    If you then put that BeastMode into your Sorting section, that should take care of it for you.


    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any issues.





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