filter in custom connector google analytics

Hi There,

Am trying to create a google analytics connector dataset by applying multiple dimension filter with 'and' condition for the dimensions however am getting 'invalid dimension format error'. Hence could you please review the syntax and let me know whats incorrect here.


  • The filter should contain ‘and’ clause – usually it’s the semicolon (;) but when I apply the semicolon, DOMO gives me an error.
  • However if I replace that with comma (,) which is used for ‘OR’ clause it is just working fine.
    • The data is not specific to what am looking for – I need the filter with ‘and’ condition and not ‘or’ condition.


   "dimensionFilterClauses": [


           "filters": [


                   "dimensionName": "ga:pagePathLevel1",

                   "operator": "EXACT",

                   "expressions": [

                       "/en/" ]}


               {"dimensionName": "ga:pagePathLevel2",

                     "operator": "REGEXP",

                     "expressions": ["^/blog/.\/*"]}           ]





Best Answer

  • user05702
    user05702 Member
    Answer ✓

    I had raised a DOMO case in the help center to see if they could help here. I just got the correct syntax from them. 


    Here is the correct syntax that they recommend me to use:


    "dimensionFilterClauses": [


    "operator": "AND",

    "filters": [


    "dimensionName": "ga:pagePathLevel1",

    "operator": "EXACT",

    "expressions": [

    "/en/" ]}


    {"dimensionName": "ga:pagePathLevel2",

    "operator": "REGEXP",

    "expressions": ["blog"]} ]









  • user05702
    user05702 Member
    Answer ✓

    I had raised a DOMO case in the help center to see if they could help here. I just got the correct syntax from them. 


    Here is the correct syntax that they recommend me to use:


    "dimensionFilterClauses": [


    "operator": "AND",

    "filters": [


    "dimensionName": "ga:pagePathLevel1",

    "operator": "EXACT",

    "expressions": [

    "/en/" ]}


    {"dimensionName": "ga:pagePathLevel2",

    "operator": "REGEXP",

    "expressions": ["blog"]} ]






