Get Records out of DataSet

I can access the DataSet using the DataSet API.


How do I get the data from the DataSet? Do I have to perform the CSV export?

I hope not, I just want to iterate over the data in the DataSet.


Here is my code:


ATSDomoCredentials domoCredentials = new ATSDomoCredentials();
DataSetClient dsClient = domoCredentials.domoClient.dataSetClient();
DataSet memberDataInDOMO = dsClient.get(DataSets.DATA_SET_ID)



This code only provides info about the DataSet, columns names, number of rows, etc...:


name='SF', description='', rows=16199, columns=272, schema=Schema{columns=[Column{type=STRING, name='id'}, Column{type=STRING, name='NPINumber'},


How can I get the actual data?


  • Is anyone able to help out with this request?

  • Darius
    Darius Domo Employee

    Hello user08782,


    Data can be exported using the API, but all data returned is in a CSV format. Here is our reference for exporting data using the API:



    If you wish to do something else with the data, you can expand your script to parse the data from a CSV format into something else. Does this answer your question? If not, please provide additional information and any references in our documentation that you are using. Thank you.

    Darius Rose
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