Customized alert



I would like a customized alert for my card when the quanity is Negative.


The problem here is currently, alert is just showing a summary number. My summary number wouldnt be a negative number but the sub parts would be negative. I saw a video link to create a customize alert but not sure why I cannot view this. 


The link for customized alert creation video is :


How do I create an customized alert for my backorder. Attached is an scheenshot for your reference.


Thanks in advance.


  • RGranada
    RGranada Contributor



    I think your running into a problem here. Table Cards  Cards do not allow alerts on other fields than Summary Number.


    You can work around this by creating a simple weekly bar chart with the value you want to get the alert on, and then setup the alert on that chart.


    Hope this helps.

    Ricardo Granada 


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