Publications with Filters

RGranada Contributor

This would take a great workload from us, as we need to filter the information available in every publication that can be available to non DOMO users, as we are now we have to make copies of every card we want in the publication with different filters. Would like to know if there is a  better way to streamline this.

Ricardo Granada 


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  • This article may assist you, we will continue to investigate a work around for this request.





  • @RGranada Thanks for the question. I had another customer of mine ask the same thing, and the answer we got back was that, unfortunately, this is not currently a feature, but it's a great idea.


    Here are a couple of things you can do to help change that:


    1. Post your idea to our Ideas Exchange board. This is a board where customers can post their ideas for Domo developers to look at in order to improve our product. Here's the link to that page: Dojo Idea Exchange


    2. Search the Ideas Exchange board for existing posts that match what you have in mind. I did a quick search (using this link: Filters in Drill Paths | Idea Exchange), but didn't find anything that matched perfectly. Take a look and see if any of them are what you want. If so, give the post an "upvote" by clicking the arrow next to the idea. 


    Let me know if you have any questions.

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