

DomoR::fetch returning Error: is.character(x) is not TRUE

I started playing with the R plugin and I've been able to use fetch successfully. When I tried on a simple dataset output from a dataflow, consisting of columns with the type

String, String, number, String I get the error


Error: is.character(x) is not TRUE


I'm not sure if this happened because of the number. I'm sure the other datasets I initially played with had numbers. What might the cause of this error? 


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  • Domo Employee



    Researching that error, I was able to find a discussion on it on stack overflow, in which they indicate the issue is likely because the "columns are probably of type factor (check with str(X)). mapdist needs charactervectors (check ?mapdist). So you have to convert the columns using as.character beforehand."



    If you follow the suggestions in that thread, is the error resolved?

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  • @macrobolic thanks for looking into this. Unfortunately, the error comes as I am pulling the data so I cannot convert before it comes across as a dataset.


    Maybe I should be interpreting as needing to change the datatypes of columns on the Domo side. Th challenge is I cannot figure which is the offending column from the error message. I guess maybe I try to reduce the dataset to a few key columns being pulled then experiment growing to the full dataset. I suspect there is a specific datatype at the root.


    Any suggestions based on your superior knowledge as to likely suspect datatypes would be much appreciated.

  • Domo Employee

    @user0010250 Thank you for the below info. I'm looking into this, and will reach out as soon as I have an update. Thanks for your patience.

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  • Domo Employee


    After speaking with our developers, they are going to look further into that error to give us an idea of what the next steps are to get this resolved. I'll let you know as I get updates from them.

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