Best of September 2016!



We had a great September which featured another successful Domo Dojo and a record high number of customer posts.


Leading our MVPs this month is @AS who took the Dojo by storm with 72 posts, 9 accepted solutions, 15 likes received, 3 ideas posted and 10 idea comments. @AS comes to the Dojo with a tremendous amount of knowledge having worked at Domo before becoming a Major Domo at his new gig. We are very grateful to have someone of this caliber helping others out in the Dojo. Great work!!!


Other members who actively posted in September were @njain with 32, @Chips and @DHargens with 18 each, @Godiepi with 13 and @Duc with 11 posts.


Other members who delivered at least one solution are @anafziger@cmarkum@Godiepi@kwhite2910@Julien15@wwood-accel@shaanarora@rhettshipp@kith_howes@TheDataGuy and @kwhite2910


Our top liked authors with at least 10 likes were @AS@cmarkum@RobynLinden@Shevy@DHargens


On the ideation front @njain lead everyone with 29 ideas posted!!! @DHargens also had a string showing here with 10 ideas posted.


Finally, likes given was lead by @McSwag with 21, @JustAGirlyGeek@AS@anafziger, and @RobynLinden all gave more than 10 likes to others.


Keep up the great dialogue everyone and look for more exciting Dojo announcements in the coming weeks.

Thanks all for a great September, let;s make October even better!






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