Extended DataSet information on DOMOStats
Can we get DOMOStats to include some of the additional information available on cards like in the API or CLI? While DOMOStats is great, there are some key funcionalities it lacks that are already available through the API and CLI and that would be a huge help when it comes to managing the instance. Some of the top of mind…
Pivot Table switch values to show as columns or rows
Been working with Pivot tables for a while now, and one of the huge things I miss is the ability of selecting whether the values should be displayed as Columns vs Rows, something that you have in simple spreadsheet programs. This has proven useful when you want to show the same metric by different aggregations for example,…
Average Nested Bar
Good day everyone. I was trying to build a nested bar, but wanted the gray at the back to be determined by whatever aggregation we use for the calculation. So for example in the following graph, rather than showing me the bar in the back as the SUM of all the individual bars, it'd show it as the actual average of the…
Holiday Greetings!!!
Since questions seem to be slowing down as we approach the end of the year, I thought it'd be nice to have a thread just to wish each other Happy Holidays and share some of the season's joy with the rest of the community, and perhaps share something about traditions you do that might not be widely know or common. Let me…
Enable pfilters for Variables
While it's possible to use pfilters to pass parameters to cards and pages via URL, this does not seem to work with the Variables recently introduced, although visually they appear in the filter var when you apply them at the page level. This would allow a higher degree of control when creating links to navigate between…
Marcel Lüthi late introduction 😅
I guess I'm not exactly new, as I've been lurking the forums for a few months now, but never got to properly introduce myself to the community. I'm from El Salvador (Central America), my native language is Spanish, so sometimes my mind struggles when trying to catch up while writing in English and testing things out.…
Marketo Program Tags
Wondering if I'm missing anything. We're trying to do some reporting based on program tags, but the Marketo Connector doesn't provide any customization for the Program fields to be retrieved and Tags does not seem to be one of the included ones. Is there any other OOB connector to retrieve this or has anyone been able to…
Trailing Totals Deep Dive
Yesterdays Community Meeting was awesome with lots of valuable insights, but was wondering if someone could elaborate a bit more on how the trend SQL works, I know we saw 2 of the transforms but I'm having a hard time figuring out the rest, like how is information being filled so that the rows 91-1 represent consecutive…
Dynamic Values for Scale Markers
It'd be good to have the ability when using Scale Markers to use Fields and Aggregations just like you can do for Summary Numbers. Even on a basic bar chart, if you use the Average, it just does an average of the Totals Shown, rather than the actual average of the field being used for the Y Axis, so if you show Average on…
Pivot Table Order of Columns
By default when you add a field to a pivot table as a column, it'll do all your Values calculations under each series before proceeding to calculate them for the next. Ex: But sometimes you want each calculation together and then broken down by each series, so the one at the top would look like something like: Since we…
Pivot Table to allow Sorting by Column vs. Grouping
We need a setting to switch whether columns should group the values (current behavior) or sort them when using pivot tables. By default, pivot tables will group all your Values by the columns you select which is useful when you want to see how a specific group is performing on a linear succession, like: But often you want…
Limited period graph with All Time Rolling Total
Currently using a Line Bar chart, to graph issue creation vs issue closure over different time periods, which also allows us to have a running total line that shows the total change. However, we would like the total line to show the actual total for all time, so instead of starting from 0, the first month should start with…
More options for color rules for cards
When establishing color rules on cards, you're limited to selecting a single column and the criteria which for text fields is only either IN or NOT IN. While this is useful for most cards, it's really limiting when you have Pivot table or cards that are grouped and stacked on different dimensions. In the case of Pivot…
Defaults for Card Types
To keep consistency with how data is presented across multiple dashboards, you'll either need to have a template of each card you want to use with the customization you want to use by default, or be sure to manually recall what you want each one to look like. Would be great if by card type, we could customize some of the…
Is it possible to retrieve Variables when using Bricks?
Brand new to Bricks here. If we add a variable to a dashboard that should change the behavior of all cards including a brick, can we check the value for that variable in the Javascript section to so we can adjust our query or logic accordingly? I saw in this video that you can add controls to the brick itself, but was…
Total/Subtotal options for dates
When building a table, it'd be good to have the option to subtotal date fields by something other than COUNT. Basic options like MIN or MAX, would help answering key business questions like when the last interaction took place, or when we first interacted, while still displaying in the table the full list of interactions…