More options for color rules for cards

marcel_luthi Coach
edited August 2023 in Analyzer Ideas

When establishing color rules on cards, you're limited to selecting a single column and the criteria which for text fields is only either IN or NOT IN. While this is useful for most cards, it's really limiting when you have Pivot table or cards that are grouped and stacked on different dimensions.

In the case of Pivot tales you might want to highlight specific intersections a certain color, this is easier explained with an example, lets say you have a pivot table of tickets by priority (rows) and impact (columns) and it shows you the number of tickets. You might want to highlight certain intersections in a certain way, so the final table would look something like:

But with the current options this doesn't seem to be possible, and while you can create a field and configure color rules for it, since it's not being included in the row or column, the color rule does not applies to the cell.

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