facebook advanced connector
anyone used facebook advanced connector? Is this for facebook organic tracking? Question about "Page Posts" and "page post lifetime metrics" reports, if selected same time period, should "likes" in "page post" = "total likes" in "page post lifetime metrics"? I got different numbers. What is included in "total likes"? Thank…
how to get last full 12 month in beast mode
I would like to create a flag for the date for the last 12 full months, not including the current month. For example, as of now, I only want to show any dates are in Oct 2018 to Nov 2017. I used this one, but give me to the same date of last year. Thank you. DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) Olivia
How to change the owner of a data connector
Anyone knows how to switch the owner of a data connector? I have created a few connectors such as Adobe, Elqoua etc. How to switch the onwer of these connectors to other people? Thanks. Olivia
View Epxlorer crashed
Did anyone have the similar explerice recently: It happended to me in the last few days. I have been making udpates with some of my viewExplorer datasets, such as added a filter, created a new formualr etc, then I saved the file. However, once I reopened the view to edit, it shows me the error: invalid query. Check your…
Can you make a copy of a stacker dataset
Hello, I need to create a new stacker A. A is very similar to an existing stacker B. I only need to change 2 datasets from B to get A. Is there a way I can make a copy of B because I need to keep B running as usual. Thank you.
how to quickly go to a section in a page
I have created a long dashboard. It contains several sections that divided by divider. Is there a way that users can easily "jump" to the section they want to see?
cannot switch dataset created from view
I created a dataset using View, however, when I try to switch the dataset to use this view-dataset in the existing cards, it just say: unable to switch card. I am able to create a card from scratch using the view-dataset. Does anyone have similar experience? I wanted to update a page with more than 50 cards with this…
link to a new page
In a table card, I created a pageurl link. When an user clicks the pageurl, it leads to the actual webpage. However, currently, it is not opened in a new tab/window. So if user wants to continue in DOMO, they either need to go back or open a new DOMO. Is there a way to set up this link that brings the webpage in a new…
is there a way to not allow user see page filter?
I have a special dashboard, because of data privacy issue, we cannot show any group with less than 20 people. So we preset up filters user>20 in the cards with different user segmentations . However, when user click on part of these cards, these segmentation variables show up as page filter, and all groups will be shown,…
How to set PDP effectively
Try to explain this as clear as I can: this is a simplified version, I have more data columns need to be considered. I have a dataset A. I created 3 different dashboards using this dataset A. DashboardNameData columnsall webpagesDAwebpage region, web business areacampaignsDBcampaign region, campaign business areaa group of…
allow variables created in beast mode to be used in filter cards
Now that the variables created with beast mode can be used as a filter in a card, it will be great to allow these variables to be used in the filter cards.
How to combine two dashboards into one
I have 2 dashboards using 2 different datasets. Now I need to create another dashboard for different audiences, but basically about 10 cards are from dashboard1 and 25 cards are from dashboard 2 but will have different fillers setup for those cards. Is there an easy way to copy &paste the cards I need to the new…
How to create a beast mode for email open rate
I wanted to draw a chart to show email open rate over time. For a specific email, it was send on a day, then opver the next fews, emials were opened. So the open rate will be #of email opened/# of email sent. # of email opened should sum up the total opens of everyday, but # of email sent is the same over the time. How to…
how to set up filter for the last day of data set in the new text card for summary
I want to use this new text card to insert the summary numbers. It worked fine with most scenario, but I am have difficulties to report the last date and to set up the filter to get the last date visits of my dataset. for example, 3/31/2020 is the last date in my dataset, then I want to show: "On 3/31/2020, total 5023…
Can anyone let me know about create a card with multiple datasets?
Hi all, I remembered during our call last Friday, someone mentioned this new feature about creating a card using several datasets. However, I could not find it in the DOMO site about the new features. Can anyone let me know waht si that? I happen to have a stakeholder asking me to create a table card with summaries from 3…
Date filter
I want to set up a date filter, however, my current dataset only has a date variable "occurred date" which means only when there is an activity, it will have a date. Is there a way I can set up a date filter with generic calendar date? thank you.
How to calculate usage %
This is what I have: Content ID and Product are meta data for a full list of documents. When an user used a document, such as download, viewed etc, there is a record for Library ID, user role, and user region etc. When there is no Library ID, it means the document has not been used. Now the stake holder wants to see the…
how to hide results in dashboard when user number are small
I have a dashboard that contains some user information such as # of users, user activity(downloads, views etc), I have different filters set up to allow stakeholders to filter on user region, user group etc. However, due to the data privacy, I could not report on some info when # of user <20. here is what I hope to do:…
default page filter
I wanted to only show all KPIs from external users, I have a field to idetify this. I know I can do this setup in each card, however, is there a way I can set up a default setup in page fitler so that all cards are set up by defualt only for external uers. Yet users should not see and change this field. Thank you. Olivia
embed story dashbaord
During the Domo Palooza 2019 product release section, it mentioned that the story telling dashboard can be embed in a website. Can anyone tell me how to get the html code for iframe or javascript for the whole page. I could not find Domo Everywhere icon in the tool bar like embedding a card. Thanks, Olivia
Beast mode as filter
I created a beast mode to calculate $/visit, in my table chart, I wanted to show $/visit when it is great than 0. Any one has an way to work around since beast mode cannot be used as a filter? Thank you. Olivia
Is it possible to set up a collection and make it collapse or expand in story telling dashboard
The new story telling dashboard is great. But is it possible to create collections like in old way dashboard and allow collapse and expand for each collection? Thanks.
beast mode % calculation
I wanted to calculate % of active user using the following beast mode, but soemhow it only gives 100%. I could not figure out what went wrong. In this exmaple, %of active user should be 2215/(2215+3273) , but it shows 100%. This is my beast mode: COUNT(DISTINCT case when `useractivity_status` = 'Active User' then…
Why Pie Chart legend filters the opposite way
In a pie chart, when an user click on a slice of the pie, it filters out that piece (highlight that piece, and grey out all others). However, when an user click on a value in legend, it filters out everything but this value? Does anyone know how to fix it? In the attached example, I wanted to see Global, but it greyed out…
how date filter card works when there are more than 2 data sets in a dashboard
I have a dashboard with cards built from 2 different datasets A, B. Both datasets have a date column "Event_OccuredAt". Date filter card is from dataset A "Event_OccuredAt". 1. I created a single value card to show how many new users in last month using dataset B based on another date column "User_Created_At" in dataset B.…
Is it possible to add column head in pie chart Legend table
Hello, in pie chart legend summay table, is there a way to add column head so user can know what is the value. Thank you. Olivia
how to hide raw data from charts
Currently, for the charts in the dashboard, if users click futher, they are able to see the raw table. Is there a way I can hide the raw data? Thank you. Olivia
table card for null value
My data looks like this, when id is blank, it means the file has not been used. I wanted to create a table card to show which files have not been used. In this case, I wanted to show file B, E in the table card. But if I make selection in filter for Id in ' ' , nothing comes up. Can anyone give me some ideas why or maybe…
Filter link to a new page but did not pass to another dataset
Hello, I am using page Analyzer Links to bring to a new page based on a camapign name. However, in the new page, I have a few cards built from another data set. The filter did not pass to these cards although the second dataset has the same column name as the filter used. I allowed to interactive with all cards in the…