Beast Mode
How do i do a beast mode formula to get the response value of a record that was completed most recently? If this is my data i want to just take the bottom row. My groupings cant be changed in magic etl just need to take response value with highest or most recent time Name Location Time Response value Ben A 2:07PM 5 John A…
Grouping and ranking data question
Hi. I have minute level data i am dealing with. I am trying to get total minutes that a post is open during a day. It can be post 1, post 2, or no activity. I am grouping by Date (Day) and Post then doing a difference between then Max and min timestamp to get total minute sin the post. This is how I want my data output to…
Help with column formula
I am trying to do an a calculation and having some trouble. The formula in my Average Daily Usage column is (Oil Usage / Run TIme Hours) * 24 I guess the formula is technically working when look at columns, but I want this formula to calculate for the subtotal columns when i select a range of dates. So the column in blue…
Formula to just take number from column
I have a column with different assets Tank 1 Engine 1 Engine 2 Tank 2 Tank 3 Engine 4 My question is I just want to take out the number from each and put in new column so can sort by just the number in each asset. Can someone help with this?
Dashboard Table using previous day values in calculation
Hi, I need to create a Dashboard that calculates oil usage for Engines. Below is the excel table with calculation I need to recreate in Domo. Basically need to take the tank level and oil added to day tank and engine from day before and subtract today's tank level to get daily usage. Also sometimes there wont always be a…
Beast mode for help Sorting column
I need a beast mode so i can sort a column. I need to take the number out of this Engine column so then can sort in order. I have values like this Engine 1 Engine 2 Plant Engine 1 Engine 3 Plant Engine 2 Engine 4 Engine 5 I figure if i can just do a formula to take out the number then i can sort them together based on…
Formula to get percent complete
Hi. I have data with Plants and Tasks and whether the tasks are complete are not. I need a formula so I can have a percent completed for each plant based on the number of Yes tasks they have compared to total tasks. Then I need to group by plant and bring that percent into a table. Could someone help with this? The…
Please Help - Cant get pivot table working properly
I am having a problem with a formula. I am trying to display Yes for a facility if they have a task event status in Completed or CompleteLate status. If they have a task in any other task event status I want to Display No. In my pivot table in domo I am getting an error of multiple results encountered for same location. If…
Pivot Table
I have data with plants and tasks. Each plant has a few daily tasks assigned to them. If the status of a task is complete or completelate the task complete column needs to be yes. If it is any other status I need No displayed. I need to aggregate at Plant level so unless all of the tasks meet Yes criteria I want No…
Modify formula
I need to modify a formula. CASE WHEN taskEventStatus = 'Completed' OR taskEventStatus = 'CompleteLate' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END I have plants with event status. Each plant can have 1-4 tasks to complete a day. I need formula so if not all tasks are' complete' or 'completedlate' status (yes) then No. If all tasks are…
Pivot Data in ETL
I have dataset i am trying to reformat using a pivot table. I cant use the pivot chart because it only shows measures as values so i am trying to reorganize my data using pivot in etl. My data includes Facility, Date, and Task Completed (yes/no). Beow on left is how my data currently is and on right is how I want to set it…
Group By issue
I am doing a group by tile in magic etl. i have different values for different ID's and need to sum up all the values in each ID. For some reason some of the ID's are not summing and I get null in column for the ID. I did formula to make sure all null values before grouping are 0 thinking that would fix it but for some…
Group By Question
Im trying to do a group by to get a new column with total sum of charges by bill ID. I want the total sum to be constant all for every day associated with Bill ID. When I do a group by I am not getting the new column to sum the charges. Bill ID Date Charge 502 4/10/2023 $85 502 4/11/2023 $76 502 4/12/2023 $110 502…
Joining and getting all dates between start and end date
Im doing a join on billing ID's. Each billing ID has a start date and an end date. Im trying to return all dates between start and end date for each billing ID. I tried adding this formula to join. dt BETWEEN Service Start Date and Service End Date It isn't working as expected. Im just getting one date for each billing ID
Date Conversion
I need a formula for taking just the month name from this format - Thu, 29 Feb 2024 11:59 PM. I need it in a date formatted column though. I can take the Month Name using MONTHNAME('my date column') but i cant get the column to be date. Its always text. Any advice? Thanks
Unable to save view
What could be issue with me being unable to save a view? I know it's not permission or browser related
Burndown chart
I am trying to create a card that shows a burndown representation of my data. My data has to do with Courses, estimated time to Complete (Duration), and Actual Hours to complete. I think to create a burndown I need a new column that gives total Duration per year of all courses due that year and then I want to be able to…
A filter based on weekday or wknd
I have a column with tasks and there are certain tasks I want to see if the current day is a weekday and if the current day is a weekend day id like to see other tasks. Could someone help me with this?
Date Format formula
Need a date format formula to take this date from 24-hour format to 12-hour format so my date and time goes from 11/02/2023 15:53 PM to 11/02/2023 3:53 PM. Thanks
Date filter
I have data that has reporting data for every day. I need help creating a quick filter on dashboard when i select it and see last 7 days
Month Order on Bar Chart
Has anyone ever had issue with months not being in right order on X axis in bar chart? I created a custom formula just so I could Order in my card but for some reason March is showing after November on X axis. When I look at datamart all March records have a 3 so dont understand why March is out of order. Any thoughts…
Change email format for a join
I am trying to merge two sources in domo. I want the last part of email to be all lowercase. In one source some of the emails are name@TechCompany. I want everything after the @ to be techcompany and all lowercase. What formula can I use for this?
Comparing one month's EOM data to previous month EOM data in same row
Hi, I need to do a calculation so I can subtract previous months hours (4/31/2023) data from this month's hours (5/31/2023) data. This is how data is organized. This just a small example of how it is. Without changing the structure of dataset how can i get all the 4/31 data on the same row as the 5/31 data? I have been…