Thanks that worked!
What if some assets have 2 words then the number?
That worked! Thanks!
Got it working. All set. Thanks for the help!
Maybe it has to do some nulls. How would I account for nulls in formula?
Thanks tried this. I dont know dont get it. Frustrating. Made a new card and made sure no extra sorting and everything included in partition
Tried both suggestions and same result. Seems like this is possible but I dont know why has been so difficult
Tried this exact formula with my data and still having issue. Ill keep trying. Thanks
Yeah I just want the output to look like the below table but I want ID 1 to say complete since all the ones with that ID are complete or complete late, and ID 2 should be Not complete since there is one Not complete with that ID. I want one line for each ID like the table below and to group them by Yes (complete or not…
Thanks. Tried this and still getting same error with multiple results
Tried this out but still not working. Still getting error in my pivot table chart saying multiple results for same location.
All set. Just had to reformat column as Integer. Thanks
Thanks yeah thats what was doing. for some reason in my data the number is coming back as 5.8517881E7 instead of 58,517,881. Maybe i Just need to reformat it?
I just need the month name. So from this - Thu, 29 Feb 2024 11:59 PM i need a formula for a new column that just has February and is in Date Format.
That worked. Thanks!
Thanks that is working. How can i modify formula if i want to have different lines for different groups? I tried putting the groups in series on chart but didnt work well and the lines for each group were not connected and is just a bunch of data points
Great thanks!
That worked. Thanks!
When I used on offset of 30 I started getting some results. I need to go back 30 days to get end of last month data. Problem is some locations might report on 5/28 and some might be 5/29 and then next month might be 6/29 or 6/30. I cant just set it as 30 or wont capture all the data. Any suggestions on how to maybe have a…
Yeah im trying that but for some reason the values I get in this new rank and window column are the values in the same month one record above. So for some reason its not grabbing previous month and just previous record of same month Facility 1 5/31/2023 Engine A 54652 New Column Facility 1 5/31/2023 Engine B 65433 54652…
Thats what have been trying but can't seem to get data to carry over correctly. Ill keep trying. Any other options?