Beast Mode Function Parity in Views
There are a whole host of useful string and number based functions that exist in Magic ETL that do not exist in views. For example, I would like to use STR_DIGITS() in a calculated column to remove all letters from a string. This exists in Magic ETL but not in views. This seems like an oversight.
Workflow Triggers Using Activity Log Events
Hi All, Right now workflows can only be triggered via scheduling, an alert or via API. It would be EXTREMELY useful if Workflows could be automatically triggered based on events I can select from the activity log. I have a need to validate an end-users PDP as soon as someone logs in. Running a workflow at timed intervals…
MagicETL Recipes
We all have ETLs where we use common logic over and over again. I propose an idea to enhance MagicETL with something called 'Recipes'. A user could create a new recipe within Magic, add a series of tiles into it that do some common logical steps and save it with a given name (e.g.. 'Strip Whitespace and Split String'. Once…
Column Descriptions - Governance Toolkit Addition
Hi All, We are currently building out an app that would allow us to update column descriptions on both a per dataset and instance wide basis. I propose Domo add a toolkit feature that works alot like tag management, but for column descriptions. This would be very useful to ensure most datasets have friendly descriptions at…
PII Detection
While there is a 3rd party solution in the app store (PII Vault), I think Domo should have automated built in PII governance tools integrated into the toolkit. There could be a UI in the governance toolkit where you tick off various standard PII patterns to look for (SSN, Phone, Birthday etc) or even let you define a…
Add a Header Option in the JSON Writeback Connector
I have a situation where a client wants us to post data from a dataset to their webhook but it needs custom headers so I can supply an API key. The JSON writeback connector doesn't have any custom header configuration options as part of the connector setup. I also explored using the JSON No Code connector to post data, but…
Beast mode function to read attributes from end-user profiles.
It would be neat if I could create a beast mode that dynamically did something based on the current users trusted attributes. Something along the lines of: CASE WHEN ATTRIBUTE('Role') = 'Manager' THEN <X> ELSE <Y> END Or even be able to read the timezone from their profile so you can do real-time timezone…
Allow domo.env properties in AppStudio workflow parameters
We have a scenario where we want to trigger a workflow via a button in AppStudio that takes in parameters from a Domo users profile and do it dynamically. In our case, we want to pass their Domo userId number into the workflow parameter boxes in AppStudio. It would be very handy if we could type out something like…
JSON No Code Connector - Base64 Encode and Basic Authentication?
Hi All, Does anyone know how to use the JSON No Code (or any of the JSON connectors, really) to do basic authentication via a client id and secret where the client id/secret are base64 encoded? Based on the API documentation, I need to pass the following header where the client id:secret string is base64 encoded.…
DomoStats - User Level Page Views History
We have a need to dynamically display to each end user their most visited dashboards and we do so by collecting how often they visit a page and also by a pages last accessed date. However, this data is always a day behind because the only place that records this data for a user is stored is in the Activity Log Governance…
App Studio and Workflows - Dynamic Domo User Parameters
In App Studio, many of the workflows I want to tie to a button click require static parameters to be passed into them. However in many cases, I'd like to pass the domo user id/email/trusted attributes of the person clicking the button into the workflow parameters dynamically. I suggest a dynamic parameters feature by…
Support code engine packages in Connector Studio IDE
I recently had a requirement to fetch a file via API, but the file was encrypted. I wanted to create a connector the whole org could use that supported decryption for the source system, but the connector studio was so limited that I ended up using a Jupyter notebook to solve the issue. The problem is now everyone will need…
Jupyter Notebook Fileshare Connector
I currently have a jupyter notebook with a fileshare setup that I use to pull in PGP encrypted files, decrypt them and then turn that data into dataset. But, because Jupyter Notebooks need output datasets defined as part of the notebook settings, I can't really dynamically create datasets out of the decrypted files unless…
JSON No Code Connector - Multiple Date Parameters
I have a situation where I need to pass in 4 date parameters into an API. FromMonth, FromYear, ToMonth and ToYear. However the JSON No Code connector allows for only one date parameter, be it single value or a range. That covers 2 of the 4 parameters I need. It would be useful if the JSON No Code Connector supported…
Dataset via Email Connector Enhancement - Include Sender as System level column
We are using this connector quite a bit in our organization. The biggest pain point for us however is being able to track who sent in a given file. It would be a huge benefit if the Dataset Via Email connector had a system level column in addition to the batch number, date recieved etc that told us what email address sent…
How to Execute a Workflow From Another Workflow?
I have a workflow that does some data validation and outputs some rows of data to a result object. I want to take that result object and execute a second separate workflow that accepts that result object as an input parameter. But I can't find any documentation on executing a workflow from a workflow and passing around…
Colorize Column Headers in MagicETL Previews based on Connecting Line Color
With complex flows, it can sometimes be difficult to know what column came from what connecting source. It would be nice if MagicETL colorized column headers based on the connected line colors when in preview mode. As you can see in my beautiful artwork below (🤣), note the task I highlighted in yellow. That is the task I…
UUID / GUID Functions in Rank and Window
There are times where I may need to generate a unique ID so I can tie related batches of records together under said ID without worrying much about collisions with another group of related records in the same dataset. This will also allow me to treat them as a partition key if I want to target a handful of records for…
Dataset Beast Modes and Sandbox
From a sandbox perspective, I know that it doesnt actually promote/copy datasets from one instance (dev) to another instance (prod). However, we have some Dremio federated datasets currently in dev with a bunch of dataset calculations on them and we're trying to avoid having to re-create all the beast modes everytime we're…
Card Sharing Governance Data?
Hey Folks, I've been digging through every single available governance/domostats dataset and I cant seem to find any data related to cards and who they've been shared with. I can easily find out who owns cards and what pages/datasets they belong too, but does anyone know of any governance data that tells me all the…
Domo Search API?
Hi All, I'm working on a dynamic landing page and I am trying to make a 'universal search' within a Domo brick where users can type in whatever they are looking for and return back cards/dashboards that are relevant to their area of the business. I realize Domo already has a search, but I want to build off of that same…
Disable Auto-Preview for Cards (Federated Connections / System Wide)
We currently have a mix of Domo datasets plus federated datasets in our instance. When new cards are created, Domo often picks columns that are pretty irrelevant most of the time. While this isn't much of a big deal for Domo datasets since there is a speed advantage there, it creates a negative user experience for…
Is it possible to render an exisiting card inside a Domo Brick?
Hi All! Does anyone know of a way to 'embed' an existing out-of-the-box card inside a domo brick? I realize there are custom visualizations via PheonixChart to create custom visuals, but I have an idea for a dynamic, table driven landing page and want to take an existing card URL (e.g <instance>.domo.com/kpis/details/<card…
Pass Variables into a MagicETL from Workflows.
With the new workflow features on the horizon, I think it would be immeasurably valuable to pass output variables from workflows into Magic ETLs since workflows can execute ETLs already. For example: An 'audit' workflow is triggered that evaluates a dataset for various criteria. As part of the evaluation it sets output…
Domo Bricks - Private CDN/Library Uploads as a Premium Feature
While I realize the go to answer for app development would be to download the SDK and build apps with VSCode locally, I think there is an opportunity to add a premium feature for those who develop inside Bricks. Not every company allows certain dev tools on local systems and for newer devs, setting up proper local…
PDP Automation and Ignoring Case Sensitivity?
Hi All - I have been working on automating PDP for my company but have run into a bit of a snag. By default PDP is case sensitive and if I were manually creating policies using the Domo UI, it's easy enough to just tick the "Ignore case" checkbox. However, when generating policies in an automated fasion, it seems like the…