Workflow Error: `All shapes need to be connected to at least one other design element.`
Hello, I get an error message saying 'All shapes need to be connected to at least one other design element'. I have triple checked my Workflow process, and all shapes are connected. Has anyone run into the same issue and figured out how to resolve it? TIA. Best regards, Michael
Multiple results encountered for the same location in Pivot Table indicated by ****
Attached is a sample of my data. I am trying to create a pivot table with the following: Rows: location, week, date, shift Columns: count(unique identifier), count(unique identifier) * shift length In my ETL, I created a formula to handle empty values. It determines whether a shift was 8 hours or 10 hours, based on a…
Show a warning when editing a card that is on multiple pages/apps/etc.
Just as there is a warning when editing dashboards that are embedded externally, there should be a warning when editing cards that appear on multiple dashboards. Ideally it would say "You are editing a card that exists across x pages" then the x is a link you can hover and a popup there would show all the pages it is on. I…
Re-"Start"-ing inactive datasets in bulk from the Datacenter Dataset View
When datasets haven't been actively queried in a while, they get auto-disabled, and need to be manually "re-started". When datasets like that are inputs to dataflows, they disable the associated dataflows. But, from the Datasets view of the Datacenter, we have no way of seeing that a dataset needs to be "restarted". It…
Error "Domo task has exceeded the max number of runs (1000):java.lang.illegalstateexception"
Has anyone randomly received this error for a workflow even though previous runs have worked? "Domo task has exceeded the max number of runs (1000) : java.lang.illegalstateexception" Let me know if anyone knows how to fix this.
Domo is ready, but we are experiencing issues uploading data parts.
Hello, I am getting this error "Domo is ready, but we are experiencing issues uploading data parts." for a dataset that I am updating once a day. This is using the Snowflake Managed Unload Connector. All the updates have been successful up to this point. Does anyone know what to do with this error?
Does domo allow a dataflow to run for more than 24 hours
I have dataflow that gets failed when it tries to completely run a dataflow that runs more than a day. Is there any solution. can the dataflow can run more than a day. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Datasets that are added in the Drill path are not shared with the Dashboard groups
If you create a Dashboard and share it with Group A, the memebers of that group will have access to all of the cards and datasets on the dashboard for any drills down cards to different datasets that might exist at that time. You can then update the drill down of a card on that Dashboard creating a card that is linked to a…
ETL Fails = "Illegal Number of Inputs"
I have an ETL that is scheduled to update once per day, but every time it runs automatically, I get a failure after about 10 seconds stating: "Failed while executing. Illegal number of inputs. Expected one but got zero." I usually can rerun it around 2-3 times manually and then it works. There are no errors that I can see…
Domo Connector trap errors
I have created a connector which works fine in Dev and has no problems when creating a dataset from Dev - however when I publish it I get error 'An error occurred during processing: Domo is ready, but the script has errors: "SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0"; at line number 7; ' There is no problem…
Trying to connect my Marketo Smart list to DOMO
Hi Community I am trying to connect my Marketo smart list in domo to create a DOMO chart. But i am getting a error as " Failed to execute import successfully. " Can someone help me in fixing this issue . Will add the error screenshot and the setting page screenshot for more clarity.
STR_TO_DATE throwing Parsing error in ETL
I am facing a error while converting string to date. This process is done in the ETL Date column has value - Jun 11, 2024 @ 14:33:22.000 Formula - STR_TO_DATE(@timestamp, '%M %e, %Y @ %H:%i:%S.000') The error showing is as attached below Note : We receive data using email connector. Please let me know where it is going…
DOMO Workbench Error: Failed to get a response from the Domo server
I am running a workbench job that is failing with the error message: Failed to get a response from the Domo server. Other jobs on my Workbench are running as normal. I tried to re-run the job, and rebooting my machine. Is there any way to remedy.
Sharepoint Connector - Error rectifying Excel File
Hi. We have a sharepoint Excel file that we bring into Domo via the sharepoint connector. Today I got an error I've never seen before and couldn't find anything on Google about. "Error rectifying Excel file. Please try again later." I double checked that the file has not moved or changed names or tab names and that the…
Troubleshoot: Domo is ready, but an email was received that did not contain the specified file type
Domo is ready, but an email was received that did not contain the specified file type. Ensure the File Location and File Type settings are correct then try again. I am getting the above error message for a dataset that is coming into Domo via Email attachment. Here are the settings: skip empty rows is also unchecked at the…
Division By Zero - Be Aware - Failed IFERROR, IFNULL, and GROUPBY
When you're performing calculations over 100s of millions or records sometimes you come across division by zeros in which you're hoping the software you're using would manage accordingly, I ran into a scenario in an ETL scenario where it lead to having more than a 10% revenue shortfall in my numbers. Generally in Domo if…
*.xlsx issue after Workbench update
Following the Domo Workbench update to the latest version (5.2.8606.30751), I've encountered a problem where all my configured jobs are no longer functioning, displaying the same error message. The error happens when the Transport Type is ‘Domo SharePoint Data Provider’. All jobs are affected. All files are *.xlsx and I…
Instagram Business Connector Disabled?
Hi All, I am trying to set up the Instagram Business Connector and the assigned team member got the following error: So, we tried setting up the normal Instagram Connecter and got this error instead: Has anyone encountered either of this errors? If so, do you know of a workaround? Thank you!
Failed to Convert Value from String Type to Boolean
Hi! I'm trying to setup a formula in my ETL where when the Registration Date is greater than 06/22/2021 we get the Order Item including the nulls. Before that date, I need the formula to include all order items but instead of nulls, I need it to say 'No Order Item'. So it would look like this originally. Registration Date…
Notification to Owner when Card returns 'An issue has occurred during processing' error
When working with complex beast modes, or even simple ones where the data types might not suit, the beast mode might validate as ok, but an error is returned because the calculation can't be completed. This is great when you're editing a card, however on occasion a card may result in this error due to the incoming data…
ETL error: "failed to convert value 'Infinity' from type 'Floating Decimal' to type 'Fixed Decimal'"
Hi, I have a magic ETL dataflow. It has 2 input sources. There's a formula tile where we calculate a pacing percentage. (`Delivered Impressions` / (`Campaign Flight` - `Days Remaining`)) / (`Total Goal` / `Campaign Flight`) We've been using this dataflow and formula without any issue for months and now we're getting this…
Card Error Report
It'd be useful to have an ability to build real-time reporting around which cards are broken. The existing DomoStats Card Loads dataset is more of a log of card load performance, and the fact that there's no datetime value does not allow to tell that card X's last log is a failure. Given this limitation, it cannot be…
Tracking Cards with Errors
Hey All, Our organization is trying to find a good way to keep track of cards that are broken. We want to be able to address any card errors as soon as they come up. Right now it doesn't look like any of the DomoStats or Domo Governance datasets allow to report on card errors. Curious if anyone here has had a similar need…
CSV SFTP Push Connector Error
Hi all, I am asking a third-party to push a dataset into DOMO using the CSV SFTP Push Connector. They have tried to push the data on two separate dates and both times we are seeing the error message, "Domo system error encountered processing your data. We are working to resolve this issue (Temporary Internal Connector…
Error Message: "Lost Connection to Domo" Handle Differently
Our users see a popup in the lower left that says, "Lost Connection to Domo" and panic, particularly if they're been modifying a card when this pops up. From my experience this is a very momentary ultra-short outage and is often restored before I'm able to click the "X" or in worst cases need a refresh of my browser — so…
Warning: Not all the data is shown | Calendar Card
Hello, I'm having a problem with the Calendar card. It's supposed to display the count by day using data from the last 6 months. However, I keep getting a warning saying that not all the data is shown. Does anyone have any ideas on how to handle this? Maybe there's something I'm overlooking in the ETL process that could…
Beast Mode Formula error
Could you please help me identify an error in my formula: POWER((SUM(CASE WHEN Parts Kits Fiscal Year=SEG PMKA CAGR End Period THEN Parts Kits Qty END) / SUM(CASE WHEN Instrument Fiscal Year BETWEEN SEG PMPK CAGR Start Period AND SEG PMKA CAGR End Period THEN Instrument Qty END))/(SUM(CASE WHEN Parts Kits Fiscal Year=SEG…