Editable "Form"/Survey Style to Log Interactions
Team, Is there a functionality within Domo wherein end users can log interactions? Something like this: I tried to build out a Form in AppStudio, but all end users got an "Error Loading Form" issue (see my separate thread: Any ideas?? I've thought about making a Google sheet that was connected to Domo but that feels clunky.
How to list Domo AI Models and its meta data
Below is the sample output I'm getting from Domo API using AI service layer API 1.How to list the DOMO AI models if i want to choose different AI 2.how to pass/use the sessionId to stay on the same chat { "prompt": "hi", "choices": [ { "output": "Hello! How can I assist you today?" } ], "modelId":…
Is there a limit on the data provided by the datasets API?
I am using the datasets api (https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets/<dataset-id>/data) to access multiple different datasets in my Domo instance using Postman. Everything works fine and Postman shows the response for all my datasets except for two which are both over 1 million rows. When I try to use the datasets API for these…
Domo: 📈📈📈📈📈
Team, Domo started as my little playground where I could explore data and visualizations. Fast forward to now - and it's blowing up. Leaders, directors, owners (oh my!) are all wanting access and are trying to answer business questions with Domo. This is a good problem to have as it puts me in a strong position to lead our…
Tracking Usage & Measuring Success
Hi team, We've loved Domo and every day and every dashboard it feels like we are making progress towards a more-informed future. I want to be able to measure the success that we've had. I am aware of the DomoStats People app and the DomoStats Activity Log, but how do you all measure the impact of all that we do? How can I…
3rd Part Analytics tool: FullStory
Hi, I am integrating 3rd party analytics for my dashboards to see users behaviours on my embedded dashboards from domo. For that I am using FullStory and adding its scripts in iframe and main head section of parent page. Does this work with both public and private embedding right ? or only private embedding we can see…
Add a analytics tracker in the head of page
Hi, The dashboard I am embedding, I need to use analytics tracker to see user's behavior on the dashboards. For that I am using FullStory, and they have a script which we need to put inside the <head> tags both in the main page and inside the iframe/dashboard page. I can add that script inside the brick in iframe but…
[domo CLI] login issue in domo app CLI after performing npm start
Description When attempting to develop the custom Domo app locally and run the local server using npm start, an authentication error is returned, prompting the user to log in to Domo using domo login. After successfully logging in, attempting to use npm start again returns the same authentication error. However, it…
Mega-Ultron-Super-Duper Connected Dataset to rule them all
BLUF: Should I join/append all of our data so we have one workable dataset? This isn't a technical question, but rather theoretical. We've got data in many places (I'm sure this is common): Budget in XYZ Financials in ABC Stats in DEF Stats Historical (just switch systems so have a different datamart) in LMN Everything…
Filter Request from Custom Domo App
Hi everyone, I am currently working on a custom Domo app using React, and I'm trying to develop an interactive filter app. I've researched the domo.js library and found that it mainly provides functionality for managing and operating datasets, users, groups, etc., in Domo. However, it doesn't seem to be suited for sending…
CLI with Task Scheduler
Anyone put the script directly into Task Scheduler to export a dataset? at the command prompt I can type the following separate commands (enter after each) java -jar C:/Domo/java/domoUtil.jar connect -s xxxcompany.domo.com -t 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx export-data -i 0DATASETIDHEREINTHISSPACE80c -f…
Tracking Changes
Hi Team, Is there a native solution to Domo to track changes made to Dashboards, Card, Datasets, etc.? I know that Dataflows have the "Version" commentary, so you can see who made what changes at what time. Is there a similar functionality for Dashboards and Cards? I want to monitor who is making changes to cards and…
Load and Impact on App - Chart count
Hello, I understand we could create dashboards with any number of charts. However, I would like to understand if there is any ideal count of charts to have in a single dashboard in an App? Also, is there any recommended maximum limit of dashboards in a single App (AppStudio)? Will the limits vary from the type of data…
Domo create react app not populating with the Domo specific scripts.
New to web development with Domo, I've ran domo login and that was successful, but when running npm create react-app todo-app @domoinc like it says in the documentation it just creates a basic version of react without any of the Domo specific scripts like upload. Is there something that I could be missing?
Snap to Grid functionality in Magic ETL
Aligning the tiles in magic ETL can become quite cumbersome without any grid or guides for the tiles to line up with. It would be great for the default behavior of tiles to snap to a grid or show guide-lines that signify when tiles are aligned.
Personal Use Domo Platform
The competitor-that-must-not-be-named () has a public version for personal use and distribution. This allows for refinement of skills, freelance use, and public portfolio building. Does Domo offer anything similar? It doesn't seem like it, but I'm surprised that we don't.
Tagging Customers on Services
Hi Community, excited to see what you think up! BLUF: How can I analyze what nurse saw a patient prior to a surgery or a non-surgery? See my simplified dataset below. My hope is to be able to see which nurses saw which patients/customers that led to a surgery (or not). My current thought is a CASE WHEN to create a label…
Can't open Course Builder
Hello, I've downloaded Course Builder App for Mac but couldn't open it. It says 'can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated.' Anyone has any suggestion on this?
Import specific pages from App studio
Hi, I have 3 different Domo App. Each has around 3-4 pages inside it. I would like to make a new App which would be a consolidation of selected pages from each app. I see there is an option to import card by doing Add from existing card yet this will be a strenuous exercise to perform for each and every card. If I could…
Trellis/Tiered Date Settings - Bug/Enhancement
When using the tiered date settings on a normal calendar, it displays the quarter and year - It would be good to be able to customise the display format like the category scale. This would enable having one or the other if both aren't wanted. Currently, the Tiered date settings don't appear work with a fiscal calendar. A…
Multiple targets on Radial Fill Gauge
A great feature would be the ability to have multiple targets with labelling on radial fill gauges. Whilst there are a number of other ways to visualise this, the radial fill gauges can be popular, and having the ability to have multiple targets would enable consistent styling when radial gauges are being used. A…
Runtime selection of dataset, not through manifest file
Currently testing using either vanilla javascript or React as a target framework. Not looking to deploy this on App Studio yet. We are not on consumption yet, so no workflows currently for this, but workflows still might not solve this particular item. I've created a test application to allow users to approve exceptions.…
Dashboard Editing for Different outputs
Currently under the 'Edit Dashboard' option, there are 2 options to choose from: Desktop and Mobile. These are really powerful for customising the layout and sizing between the two device types, however the mobile is really specific for phone, and when viewing dashboard on an iPad/tablet the customisation doesn't render…
Python Requests Library in Codeengine
Hello, I have started using the codeengine to create API calls to automate some of our tasks with systems outside of Domo. Python is my primary language and I have noticed that I have not been able to find documentation on making the calls with python. I know there is support for calls using JavaScript and I have been…
AppDB API Bulk Document Request - Size and Rate Limits
What are the constraints around usage of the bulk document create/upsert/delete requests in the AppDB API? I've run into a handful of errors with these endpoints that appear to not occur when I shrink the request body or querystring length below some magical threshold. Knowing the size or rate limits for these API…
uploading data to a dataset - Domo Developer API
I am pretty new to Domo Developer. I would like to use a python script to daily upload data to a dataset. Here is my script. def append_data_to_dataset(dataset_id, dataframe, access_token): """ Append a pandas DataFrame to a Domo dataset. headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}', 'Content-Type': 'text/csv' }…
Support code engine packages in Connector Studio IDE
I recently had a requirement to fetch a file via API, but the file was encrypted. I wanted to create a connector the whole org could use that supported decryption for the source system, but the connector studio was so limited that I ended up using a Jupyter notebook to solve the issue. The problem is now everyone will need…
Walmart Retail Link Connection into Domo?
Hi, Is anybody connecting to walmart retail link through api perhaps? @Domo, can we please create a connector for this? Best, Paul
Is there any way to get Embed Id programmatically?
I integrate with DOMO using java SDK and REST API, and I can get dashboard id or card id without any problems. But then I need to embed them on our site. But I see that the iframe for embed that will only use the dashboard/card id mark as deprecated, and now it is necessary to use the iframe with the Embed Id. Please tell…