Governance Tool Kit - Virtualised Data Sets
It would be great to be able to update the governance toolkit for virtualised datasets so you can edit a job so you can better organise specific groups of data into one job, rather then having to create separate jobs when new data is onboard at a later date.
Google Sheets Connector Issue?
Hi Team, I'm trying to get Google Sheets connected but receiving this error: I've verified that I can connect to Google Sheets by "Re-connect"ing on the Connectors menu. I cleared Cache/cookies/history, and this has worked in the past so I've never had this issue. Any ideas?
Ability to Edit Virtual Dataset Jobs
The ability to edit virtual dataset jobs would help a lot when working between production and sandbox environments. We would like to group our virtual dataset jobs by data domain, to help make sure we don't end up with duplicate datasets in our production environment. However if we create a new dataset we currently cannot…
extracting data from Epic EMR system
I'm looking to connect with a customer or gain some insight from any users that leverage Epic (Electronic Medical Record system) as a data source. I am trying to understand the best way to extract our data from Epic to SQL Server with an ETL process or push subsets of the data directly to Domo. Any info will help - thank…
New Dataset from Connector History
I occasionally have to use this download menu item in a dataset connector's history to download a csv and then import the csv into Domo to use to compare against current data. It would be super handy if we could cut out a step and provide a menu option to create a new dataset as well.
Mega-Ultron-Super-Duper Connected Dataset to rule them all
BLUF: Should I join/append all of our data so we have one workable dataset? This isn't a technical question, but rather theoretical. We've got data in many places (I'm sure this is common): Budget in XYZ Financials in ABC Stats in DEF Stats Historical (just switch systems so have a different datamart) in LMN Everything…
Cache configuration
Hello Folks, I understand for a Federated Connection, the DOMO cards will fire queries directly to Snowflake. However, I have few questions around this: Will there be any cache stored at card level? Will there be any cache stored at user account / user session level? Will there be any cache stored in DOMO for my connected…
Data storage
Hello, I understand any data coming from files and output datasets from DOMO ETLs shall store data in DOMO Cloud. Any of the following shall also store in DOMO Cloud? DataFlows SQL View (DOMO) Adrenaline Transform What if I use federated connection as my connector? or an API to retrieve data from source and leverage any of…
Multiple versions of Adaptive Insights sheets
Is it possible to get the Adaptive Insights connector to pull in multiple versions of the same sheet at once? Right now you select the version before selecting the sheet, but it would be helpful if we could select the sheet first, then pull in multiple versions at once, rather than have to create many different datasets…
Google Ads Connector isn't pulling in Product Feed Demand Gen Campaigns
I have multiple Google Ads Connectors setup to pull in at both an 'Ad Group' and a 'Campaign' level for pulling in PMAX as well as normal campaigns. I'm getting all of the campaigns that I need aside from one single campaign. We are also storing this data in Looker Studio with a 3rd party connector tool and it isn't…
Add a place to put a link to data source
I would love to have an area in the data connector where I could put a link to the data source. This could have the same visibility as the description/tags/owner/etc. For example, if you are viewing your Sharepoint datasets in the data warehouse, you could see the name, description, etc as well as a direct link to the file…
OneDrive for Business Connector Not Uploading Recent File Version
I updated an excel spreadsheet this morning that is set to be uploaded through the Microsoft OneDrive for Business data connector. The initial upload worked without issue. However, it's been 6 hours since I updated the file and everything I click "Run Now" for the dataset, it pulls the original version of the file. I have…
Direct Entry for Cloud-Based Connectors
Hello Domo Users! I wanted to share an alternative method for connecting to various Domo connectors if you are unable to find certain connectors in your instance's app store. We experienced a brief period where we couldn't identify specific connectors a couple of months ago. This was likely during a time when Domo was…
Identifying what data came from which connector on a card.
Hello all, and thank you for any help. I have my magic ETL flow built out so a report is pulling information from two different connectors. There does not seem to be a batch ID or file path as options for me to select, which I thought would be the method to identify which system they pull from. Does anyone know how to…
merging old data set and new data set
I have the old data set from one source that will not be update any more. The new data is coming from a different source. What is the best way, moving forward to merge these data together?
Can I run a Stored Procedure to an external MS SQL and import resulting dataset?
I have large amounts of data stored in an external MS SQL database. Complicated queries are run via a stored procedure, and the resulting dataset is written to a table that I currently have connected to DOMO to produce client dashboards. I'd like to call the stored procedure from the DOMO data connection, have it run,…
Option to schedule datasets in UTC or local time
When we schedule datasets today, Domo schedules them in UTC, so there are no adjustments for Daylight Savings changes. This means that we need to reschedule datasets that must refresh at a specific time of day locally (i.e., 6 AM Central Time, regardless of whether we are in Standard or Daylight Savings time) twice a year…
Different time zone
Hi! I'm trying to configure the time zone in ETL but my query is resulting in different times when the function calculates the difference, for the same column. ETL time zone function: Imported table from SQL Server: Result after time zone changes: The date range of the table is from Feb 24 to Mar 12. From Feb 24 to Mar 8…
Using Dremio Iceberg tables and time travel feature in Domo?
Hello everybody, Is it possible to create a dashboard that utilice iceberg tables from Dremio to perform time travel? Looking for something similar to this: Thank you in advance!
Creating views on Domo virtualized datasets from the client/subscriber side
We have a customer who wants to be able to create and view virtualized datasets in Domo from the subscriber/client side. Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available in the product. However, the customer has found a workaround for this issue by using Dataflows within the subscriber -instance.
Can the trade desk connector be used with MFA?
I am trying to set up the trade desk connector. Right now we are using an email connector to get the data into Domo but we have found accuracy issues in this method. I am running into issues with MFA in the connector. Has anyone successfully gotten this connector working with MFA enabled on the trade desk?
Expanded Options for Dataset Alerts
Datasets often require monitoring that is complex. My idea is to make the dataset Alerts more dynamic, so that an Alert could be sent in case the dataset row count did not change, or if another undesirable outcome occurs. We occasionally experience an issue where the dataset updates successfully, but the row count does not…
Outlook Calendar
I know that Microsoft 365 has DOMO capabilities for all platforms but looking for additional data coming from Outlook. I am aware you are able to add cards from DOMO into Outlook but looking for adding a shared calendar from Outlook into DOMO. I don't believe there is a way currently where we can feed data from Outlook…
FileMaker data needed to send to DOMO daily
I am working on sending over records from FileMaker each day on a update frequency. I have an API connection between the two sources but am having trouble finding the best possible method to send data to DOMO every 15 minutes. Right now I am using the import method but it will only replace data and not append. As this is…
Data Flows - Testing Use Case Filters
Use Case: When building data flows with data sets in millions of rows, it's hard to test if the logic works across those rows unless I add filter tiles that filter out data at specific points during the Data Flow build process. This can add complexity when adding many test cases at specific points. The Idea: It would be…
Magic ETL: Avoid loading all the input columns and rows from data vault.
In Magic ETL, to avoid loading all the input columns and rows from the data vault. On the Input tile, under “Data Handling Section” if there could be a provision (refer to attached pdf with screenshot) check box to select required columns (simple request) and text box to add a where clause on each column Or one text box to…
DataFlow Notes - Output Datasets
I would like the DataFlow Notes on Output Datasets to be available in the DataFlow's /datasets view (possibly using the same yellow note embellishment icon as used within the DataFlow.)
Stock Price Data Connector
Is there a connector to NYSE/Nasdaq/etc. share prices that doesn't involve hosting a Google sheet or any other additional artifact outside of Domo?
Amazon Connector Error
I'm having trouble updating my dataset using amazon selling partner API. The error is: The report being downloaded was not processed as it returned a status of FATAL so cannot proceed. Here is the configurations of my connector. Any help is appreciated!!!
I want to host a webinar on how to automate all manual uploads into DOMO
If you find yourself spending an hour or more every week manually tweaking and uploading data to DOMO, I want to help show the DOMO community how automation can help streamline your efforts where a connector or integrations don't exist or resources are not available. If this sounds like something you would be interested in…