Properly Writing Back to Output?
Hey, first time Domo Jupyter user, and a new Python user. I'm having a difficult time exporting my data to a new dataset. From this: I keep encountering this error: /home/domo/.conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/domojupyter/io.py:125: FutureWarning: Series.__getitem__ treating keys as positions is deprecated. In a future…
Comparing Datasets to Determine Variance
Hello everyone, I am working on comparing data from a previous data input, Universal Analytics, to a new one, Google Analytics 4. Basically, there was an update and data is formatted differently. I am attempting to join the two datasets to compare the month of A ugust for variances, but the closest thing to a unique column…
Google Analytics Dashboard APP to connect GA4
Can Domo team update the Google Analytics Dashboard APP? Since Google has sunsetted the UA, there's no more data in there, and Domo GA APP doesn't support the GA4 yet so we can't really build dashboard directly connected to GA4.
Remedying Data Recording Issues on the Front End in Domo
I have a dataset with item names. These item names have a preassigned "price" to them that is not in the source data (although I know what they should be). What has happened is that some people (not all people) record their transactions all at once, combining what should be multiple revenue values into a single one.…
A way to identify/report on hidden datasets
Found out that when users add certain full service apps from the appstore to your instance, it can result in "hidden datasets" existing in your platform. These datasets aren't visible in the datacenter, nor do they appear on any Domostats reports. Per support, Domo has an api endpoint that can be searched by dataset owner…
Azure Dev Ops Connection
Hi, I am trying to get data from azure dev ops. For work item type data. I have the azure dev ops connector but it does not provide me all the data I need. I have tried odata but that is not working due to auth errors. I have a case open to investigate. Has anyone used a different pattern beyond azure dev ops connector or…
Is there a way to disable auto refresh of a dataset?
I want to stop an API data set from ingesting further information going forward as it is getting replaced with a different dataset. Is there a way to stop the data set from making API calls and ingest new information?
Not getting GA4 data to reflect accurately in Domo
Hello, I'm having a hard time trying to pull in data that correctly reflect what's in GA4. I've read through multiple threads to reduce the number of dimensions to just a few, and have broken one big report into several smaller pulls (list below) but I'm still getting numbers are that significantly different. I'm also…
Trigger a dataset update via python using a post call
I am currently successfully triggering a dataset update from Snowflake to Domo via python using the following code: import requests #list of dataset ids and stream ids for the Snowflake>Domo connections guids = { 'datasetID': 'StreamID', 'DatasetID2': 'StreamID2', } #Does the work of kicking off updates for all Domo…
Dashboard "Save-As" Dataset Change Option
When you click “Save-As” on a dashboard, it should give you the option to change the dataset(s)! This would extremely useful for creating new versions of dashboard if the underlying dataset(s) are changing.
Workbench - SharePoint Plugin
Hi there - Where do I find the sharepoint plugin for workbench? As referenced in the below documentations:
How to properly partition in Workbench while allowing older data to come in?
I have a SQL Server dataset of 50M rows. Workbench runs the APPEND Update Method HOURLY. I use the table ID as the UPSERT key and the processing query checks the past 7 days ("Insertion Date") for new records. This updates older data unnecessarily with the same data, but protects against issues with the job not running for…
Snowflake Federated dataset refresh rate
I have created a Snowflake federated dataset with a Cache TTL of 900 seconds. I have some confusion about the following. When I add reload data to my base table in Snowflake, I expect the Federated dataset to run in real-time or after 900 secs. But I don't see my 'Last run' section getting updated on the Dataset Overview…
Importing a CSV using SFTP and double quotation marks to isolate the data
Hi, this is a bit of an odd question but will do my best to ask it. I have a CSV file i am pulling for a SFTP, the file is in a CSV format and pulls the headers and first cell but it stops. After each comma the data is wrapped in double quotation marks, for example: 12328354,"User Name","1","Company Brand, Town" from that…
Can you stream Salesforce data in real-time?
Hi Domo Community, Can you stream data from Salesforce into Domo in real-time? We recently switched to Domo for dashboarding and reporting. Our call center relies on Domo dashboards to set in-person appointments. The issue is that by default data can only be sent to Domo every 15 minutes. (Note: Our previous tool allowed…
Pull a list of all datasets in Domo?
I'm trying to pinpoint duplicate information, datasets no longer used, and consolidate data. Is There a way that I could pull a list(s) of all the datasets and/or dashboards that are in my Orgs Domo? Thank you
Period over Period in a table
I'm attempting to do a Period over Period in a table, but want to keep the date range to previous week/month/quarter to keep it auto-updating and grouping the data in a particular way. My idea was to create a new column in ETL that is the same as the column I'm trying to do a Period over Period calculation, but from the…
LISTAGG or equivalent during data import from NetSuite
What SQL should I be using during an import to collapse data from a column into ',' delimited strings? when I use: listagg(item.NAME,',') "ITEM(S)", I get the error: [NetSuite][SuiteAnalytics Connect JDBC Driver][OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine]Failed to retrieve data. Error ticket# l27jpdhw1857xj1xsmvi0[400] with just item.NAME…
How do I get support for the Workfront data connector
I have a connection to workfront that has stopped working. The history suggests reaching out to Workfront, but workfront said to contact domo. I guess the connectors are supplied by third parties? I haven't been able to google up the identity of the third-party provider. Also, was unsuccessful in creating a Domo support…
Data Overview
Dear Community. I am trying to get an overview what data we are currently importing to DOMO due to data privacy evaluation. There are a lot of Data Sources (54) and a huge amount of respective Data Flows (1.9K). My question is if there is a functionality or app supporting me with listing all data schemas/column names per…
Handling multiple aggregation levels from source data
My company uses syndicated POS data from sources like IRI, NPD, and retailer POS. There are many measures that cannot be aggregated from the item level data, so I need to bring in pre-aggregated data in addition to the non-aggregated data. I was planning to have one column that indicated the aggregation level, but when I…
Row Numbers from original data
Hi there! Huge fan of the forums and hoping you can help me with something that previous posts and many late night Google searches have eluded me on... We have an email connector pulling in many CSV files from attachments and appending them one after the other in the order received. The order of the data within each CSV is…
Data Stuck in "Storing" Mode
Hi All, Domo went down for a second earlier today when it came back up it appears that some of our datasets are stuck in storing mode. I was wondering if anybody had any experience troubleshooting this issue.
Can we upload single excel file with multiple sheet into DOMO and use it?
Hi Dojo, I have many small small data set in excel which is in 12 sheet in single excel file. Can I upload single excel file with 12 sheet of data and use it in domo to create a report or I'll have to create 12 separate data source into DOMO? Thanks Suman
Searching particular field usage in all cards
I need to change many columns' name across multiple datasets. Is there a way to search for a particular field usage across all the cards? So after renaming columns in dataset, I could update only those cards which needed to be updated and do not have to check the fields usage in all cards.
Checking a columns datatype
Does anyone know if there is a way to check a column's datatype? I've noticed sometimes if bad data gets uploaded to a datasource it can change the columns type (for example from an int to a string) and I wanted to write a query to catch that faster. Anyone have any ideas?