Exporting Dataset as CSV ignores the Round function
Hi, I have a dataset that I need to extract. In the ETL, I round the column to 2 decimal places. When I extract the data and open it in MSExcel, I see the 2 decimal places. However, if I open it in notepad, I see multiple decimal places. How can I avoid this to happen? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
New Dataset from Connector History
I occasionally have to use this download menu item in a dataset connector's history to download a csv and then import the csv into Domo to use to compare against current data. It would be super handy if we could cut out a step and provide a menu option to create a new dataset as well.
Split out the Grant option 'Export From Domo'
Currently, there's an option to enable/disable users from 'Creat[ing] Scheduled Reports and export[ing] to email, print, PowerPoint, CSV, and Excel.' I would like to retain the ability to share the cards/dashboards but would like to have an option of preventing users from accessing the underlying data behind the chart…
Sub Directories in SFTP Connectors
Sub directory paths need to be enabled in the standard SFTP connectors. Limiting the ability to the root directory is too limiting as most people do not write to that directory and some are not able to. Please make this an option.
Display estimated file size next to export options
It would be convenient and helpful if Domo could display a file size, either accurate or estimated, next to the Export options of Excel/CSV.
CSV SFTP Push Connector Error
Hi all, I am asking a third-party to push a dataset into DOMO using the CSV SFTP Push Connector. They have tried to push the data on two separate dates and both times we are seeing the error message, "Domo system error encountered processing your data. We are working to resolve this issue (Temporary Internal Connector…
Add CSV filename as column
I am running a few workbench jobs, and I need to able to add the file name from each CSV in the folder I'm loading. When you create a workbench job using an xlsx file, you have the option to check a box to add the file name. But for CSV there is no option I can see. Is there a way through calculated columns or any other…
Encoding for CSV Exports
Hi, We have noticed that Domo's dataset CSV exports come out ASCII encoded. This is currently and issue for us, as we have data using both "extended" latin characters (â, ñ, Ø), as well as non-latin script. The Data is correctly loaded and displayed in Domo though. Is there any way to set the encoding format? Thanks, Carlos
Use Empty csv in ETL
Greetings! I am sending csv reports to box and using the Advanced box connector to retrieve the files and add them to a magic ETL. The reports from the current and previous years work great. I would like to set up this process to run through 2026 so I am sending empty reports for 2024-2026. They currently populate box with…
Increasing spreadsheet attachment size on scheduled deliveries of cards
I have a client who is requesting a scheduled daily email of one of their cards with a csv spreadsheet attached. Sadly the limit for the attached spreadsheet is 5mb, and the reports are usually 10-15mb depending on the day. Increasing the size limit would be a big help in our efficiency of supplying them with the…
Email Connector - csv headers import, but not data
I am emailing a csv to an email connector that worked in the past. I changed update to Replace so that I could amend the data structure before I set it back to Append. The replace with the new CSV is not working - it pulls in the headers but no rows of data. HELP! Thanks. My settings are basic:
Schedule Dashboard To Include CSV Attachments
Hey all, I am trying to figure out if it is possible to schedule a dashboard with 3 table cards to include those cards as csv attachments when emailed. My alternative is to schedule those cards one by one, download them, create a new email and attach each csv, then forward them onto the customer, but I was hoping to remove…
Import CSV File via Python (Domo API)
Hello, community, I am currently writing a python app that will allow me to import CSV data (per the requirements of the developer.domo.com API reference). When uploading the CSV file via the python SDK and/or using PUT command, I get a 400 error. Error: Error uploading DataSet: {"status":400,"statusReason":"Bad…
Sending Card Data via SFTP
Is there any way to send the output of a card (XLSX or CSV format) to an SFTP server? We are looking for a way to schedule weekly updates of a report and have it automatically sent to an SFTP directory. I saw that there is an SFTP writeback connector available as part of the Domo Integration Studio, but that appears to be…
Email connector importing CSV file but keep having the error 'specified file type'
Hi all I have setup an email connector, its suite a simple one that my stocking system emails domo a csv file of all our stock in csv format. I can see the email landing in my outlook and can see there is a file attached and too is a CSV file. But when it lands in the DOMO email connector i get the following email message:…
Email Connector unable to find link in automated email, but can find link in forwarded email
Hi Guys, I recently encountered an issue with DOMO email connector. I scheduled a report sent to DOMO email connector and myself with link in the email body that leads to a file download. When the automated email was sent the DOMO would show error: "Domo is ready, but was unable to find any links in the email." However, if…
Leading zeros in csv exports removed
I have several scheduled reports where the leading zeros in certain fields are removed. The field itself is formatted as text, and it shows up properly in the cards, however once it is emailed in a .csv file those zeros are gone. Is there a way, maybe even in the ETL or the card, that I can prevent this from happening?
CSV Advanced - connection error - "Could not load known_hosts"
Hi, I'm trying to setup a CSV Advanced connector to pull in data from a client. The client has whitelisted the IP addresses per the documentation, provided a login ID/password, and provided the external URLs for the SFTP. I also have an exact file name I can choose the connector to look for. I'm able to get the CSV…
CSV Space Delimited Uploading
I have a .CSV file that I would like to connect to Domo but it is space delimited and I haven't found a way to make it work without loading it into excel first to format it. Is there a way to select a custom Delimiter from the connectors?
How can I export a sumo card with decrypted values?
I have a sumo card with several encrypted columns. After I 'unlock' the encrypted columns with my password the csv and xlsx exports have encrpyted values still. I assume this is because the data is decrypted by the browser on demand. Is it possible to export decrypted data with domo?
Workbench v3.xでExcel/CSVを読み込んでもカラム一覧に何も表示されない場合の確認ポイント
Workbench v3.xをご利用中のユーザー様で、取り込み元Excel/CSVファイルを選択したところ、下図1のソースペインのカラム一覧に何も表示されないケースに遭遇する場合があると思います。 [図1] この場合、多くのケースでは以下の3つの可能性のいずれかに当てはまります。 * Excelの場合にヘッダー行の開始位置がA1ではない * Excelの場合にヘッダー行に結合されたセルが存在する * Excel/CSVのいずれの場合にも、ヘッダー行に重複する項目名が存在する 上記いずれの場合も、ファイル読み込み直後にはツール上にメッセージは表示されません。 1の場合には取り込みExcelのフォーマットを確認していただき、[Advanced…
Password Protected .zip file - CSV Advanced Connector
I want to use the CSV Advanced Connector to pull the most recent file from an SFTP server. It is a .zip file that is password protected. I am able to choose '.zip' and select the latest file, but unable to enter a password so Domo is unable to read the file.