User Permissions - Split out Create / Edit / Delete
I need finer access for my users, specifically I want them to be able to edit datasets (WebForms) but I don't want to give them access to Create or Delete datasets. Can the permissions be split out so each permission is selectable?
Badge Request - LinkedIn Connector
Since the Facebook and Twitter badges are available, it makes sense to have a LinkedIn version and many users already put in their LinkedIn link in the 'Social Media' field in 'Profile'.
Disable/Hide Tiles
Sometimes when in development I have a need to hide/disable a tile or group of tiles that I am working on but have a need to run the flow in order to check other things but the flow won't run until all tiles are configured correctly. Sometimes I don't want to complete the tile (maybe it is having errors) and I need to…
Links to Input/Output Datasets in Magic ETL Editor
Oftentimes I find myself having to open a new tab to navigate to the various input and output datasets when in the editing canvas for a Magic ETL. It would be nice if there were a link that would open the dataset in a new tab somewhere on the configuration dialog that appears after selecting the tile.
Custom Security Profile Visibility
When we add Security Profile to our reporting, we have a custom Security Profile titled Participant +. This profile does not show up when we run reports for Security Profile. We would like this profile to populate when we run reports. Note: below you will not see Participant + as it shows up as blank value.
Add dataset and card certification details to DOMOstats dataset dataset
It would be great to have the card and dataset certification details available in the DOMOstats dataset! This could be best accomplished by adding the certification name, date certified and certification description to the "datasets" dataset and the "Cards" dataset rather than as a new dataset that has to be joined. It…
Campaigns Dashboard PDF Extract
Most of the time, a Campaign is just wanting to send an already made dashboard on DOMO to a distribution list. Can we just have it be a PDF export of that dashboard with the filters updated based on the distribution list? This would be so much easier than building out frontend web stuff.
Drag & Drop Campaigns PDF
Being able to drag and drop/customize the appearance of the pdf instead of doing HTML and then constantly having to exit, download, view, make another slight change, repeat 100 times. Basically, what you see is what you get kind of thing, that'd be a massive upgrade. My company has almost entirely moved away from using…
Default Formatting DOMO Wide
Being able to customize a default wide format on DOMO would save a ton of time. No one likes formatting, and most companies have a default brand guideline (Colors, text). This is available on most other BI tools, it should be an option on this one too.