Video Series on Domo Connectors along with showing data/reports on Platform Source
There are some great articles and videos on how to set up, step by step, the data connectors from any given platform. However, what would be even more beneficial would be to see how to best setup the platform side to get the most accurate/relevant data into Domo (as opposed to just getting any data coming through). For…
Select All Feature On Slicer Cards
I have a slicer card set up on a dashboard. I can do multi-select but I'd like to be able to select all of them then unselect one or a few. I think it would be a good feature to be able to select all then unclick the ones you don't want so that when its embedded onto a website, users can select all on the slicer and then…
Add columns to Admin views
It would be awesome to be able to change the view in Admin pages like Cards and Pages. I would love to be able to add columns to the view like Created Date. Similar to how Windows Explorer lets you choose which columns you see in the view.
New connector: FMCSA Data
A connector to the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) data like Motor Carrier Census Information, Motor Carrier Safety Measurement System (SMS) Results, Motor Carrier Inspection Information, Motor Carrier Crash Information, and MCMIS Data Dissemination Catalog would be helpful!
Data Center Filter Options Enhancement
When trying to use the filters option in the data center to find particular datasets or dataflows, after selecting an option such as type or tag, the popup only displays the top 10 options. I know you can start typing, but if you aren't sure of a name until you see it, it is difficult to find what you are looking for. It…
Custom Format 1 Line on a Multi-Line graph with dash or area
I would love the ability in the Color formatting to be able to make one of the lines in a series be highlighted by making it either dotted (vs solid) or thicker or better year change to area. As far as I can tell you can only change all lines and not a specific one, or just change the color of specific ones. An example of…