Have Smart Text show exact time dataset was updated
By default, smart text shows the relative time a dataset was updated. For example, Dataset A was updated: 7 Hours Ago. Is there a way to display the exact timestamp instead of the time elapsed since the dataset update?
Finding the total data volume queried and storage amount in GB, TB
Hi Domo, Is there a way for me to find the total amount of data queried over a given time frame in GB / TB? I would also like to find how much total space is being used by all the data stored in my Domo instance in GB / TB. Thanks
Start new users with the dashboard tab unpinned and buzz hidden
Hi Domo, I think it would be a great idea to allow the option for new users to start with their dashboard tab unpinned and buzz tab hidden. By default, these two are showing, and they take up a lot of valuable screen real estate. It is necessary to explain to everyone how to hide these two ribbons so that the visuals can…
PDP For Dateset Columns
Hey Domo, PDP rules can be applied to a dataset to limit who can see what rows based on user attributes. Can the same restrictions be applied to columns of a dataset? I would like to avoid creating duplicated versions of the dataset with different columns for all the different roles that need varying level of access.…
Change ETL Trigger Dataset is Manually Updated
Hi Domo, It would be very helpful if we could have ETLs trigger differently based on if the component datasets were updated manually or automatically. Example: If a dataset is automatically updated, then the subsequent ETL triggers should work just fine. However, if one dataset needs to be manually updated, it will not…
Date and hour values to timestamp
Hi Domo, I have two columns: a date column (date datatype) and an hour column (0-23 integer type). What formula could I use to combine the two columns into a timestamp, assuming the minutes, and seconds are zero? Thanks,
Determine user landing page by group membership
Hi Domo, Is there a way to change a user's landing page based on group membership? Assume that each user will be a member of one group. Thanks, NM
Faster / Bulk Creation of MSFT SP Connectors
Hi Domo, Is there a way to create multiple connectors at once or create connectors quickly without using the GUI? I have partitioned data on a SharePoint site, and I want to quickly set up connectors to read from each of the files without having to click through the GUI and wait for things to load. Follow-Up: Is there a…
Tab Autocomplete Messed Up
Hi Domo. As of a couple weeks ago, when the tab key is pressed to autocomplete the column name in a beastmode, the cursor is automatically moved to the Save button instead of to the end of the column name that was autocompleted. How can I change it back to the way it was before? Is this something I can do myself or is it…
Unsync Scale for One Series in a Multi-Line Chart
Hi Domo, I would like to have one of my series plotted on an alternative Y- axis so that the variation can be seen alongside the values with higher magnitude.
Draw a Line Through Scatterplot
I would like to draw a line through the scatterplot visual. Ideally, I would be able to specify the Y intercept and slope of the line.
Count New Ids by time period
Hi Domo, I would like to calculate new IDs by time period. For example, if there are 100 new ids in the month of September that have not appeared before in any other month, I would like the function to return 100. A simple count distinct will not do, since it counts all distinct values by time period, including returning…
How to format regression line label text
By Default, when the slope of a linear regression line is displayed, it is displayed as a number with several decimal places. Is there a way to change the format of this number on the chart? For example, could the number be changed from 10000.00 to 10k?
Is there a way to change the text in a legend?
The default text for some period over period charts is misleading. Is there a way to change the text while maintaining the same chart layout?
Calculating Percent Change in a Pivot Table
My goal is to have the variance shown as a percent change from Last Year's Revenue in the pivot table. Is there a way to do this?
Dividing Two Grouped Columns
How do I divide two columns that are grouped? The Revenue Column is taking the sum of all revenue for each D9-THC bucket. The same applies to the Quantity Sold Column. However, the Days column takes the distinct count of days where these products were sold. I would like to create a new column "Revenue Per day" that divides…