ちょっとしたDomoの小技の紹介をする場です。Domoの活用方法、便利な使い方、ハマりやすい事柄、新機能 などの紹介をします。Domoのみならず、データ、データドリブン周辺の役立つトピックもこちらに掲載します。
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This event takes place at 2pm MT (4pm ET) Do you ever find the need to extra data from images? Whether it's a vendor sending an invoice, an analysis of the manufacturing area to identify where risks exist, knowing when retail shelves need to be restocked, or so much more...there's a lot of value hiding in images. Come…
Domopalooza is the ultimate Data + AI conference, where the brightest minds come together to share, learn, and have a whole lot of fun. Here’s a sneak peek: Brilliant minds (that’s you!) coming together for an explosion of insights. Workshops and success stories so good, you’ll want to take notes in ALL CAPS. Concerts,…