beast mode using window function as a filter
Hello, I have a beast mode that's very important to calculate the summary number correctly. I can't find any alternative to this. However, it is using a window function and I'm wondering why it won't appear if I tried to add it as a filter in the card or dashboard. I can add it in the quick filters pane of the card, but…
Beast mode referencing
Hello, I wonder why this won't work. I get that the CASE WHEN can't have MAX() within it, but I thought by referencing the beast mode that uses the MAX() would process it as a subquery that references the output value instead of the formula MAX(). If this wouldn't work, is there an alternative to this? I needed the…
FIXED BY referenced in another beast mode
Hello everyone, I am trying to reference a beast mode (streak) to another (streak_breaker) that's using a FIXED (BY) function, but it keeps on returning an error. Is this not feasible? Here's my example data and calculations: streak_breaker = MAX(MAX(CASE WHEN status = 'draft' THEN campaign_idEND) FIXED (BY account_id)) »…
concat() integers
Is there a way in beastmode to CONCAT() a number with anything and not lose its thousands separator? In my beastmode, accounts_sending_campaigns_distinct and sum(`reach`) are both integers that I wanted to be displayed with thousand separators CONCAT(' <div style="font-size:15px; color:#EDEDDA;"> <div> <span…
Hi, I wonder what the problem is with my formula. The end date is March 2024 and the start date is December 2023, but I'm getting 24291 as a result, while I was expecting 3. Based on the documentation period_diff will return the number of months between two periods. Is there anything I'm missing here. Thanks
Beastmode listagg/group concat
Hello, I usually refer to the list of magic etl functions documentation for functions that I can potentially use in beastmode since some working functions do not exist in the list within the beast mode editor. However, a function that can combine strings from multiple rows into a single string like GROUP_CONCAT and LISTAGG…
Array Function in Beast Mode
Hello, I created a card where users can filter multiple IDs at once. This is useful to quickly filter the card based on the account IDs that we got from another card. Users can simply highlight all the Account IDs, copy and paste them in the Input Text Box The variable is called enter_account_ids. Is there a better…
Rank and Window: Unbounded following
Hello, Is there an equivalent way to count rows in a partition with unbounded preceding and unbounded following? I see that "unbounded" is available in the 'preceding' option but not in the 'following'. I simply want to count all the rows within the specified partition and reflect to the respective rows, but the step 4…
String Aggregation in Beast Mode
Hello everyone, I am trying to come up with a table that shows the unique emails of subscribers, and to which partners they're subscribed to. I'm trying to concatenate the partner field so that those with multiple subscriptions will remain unique. Is there a way to do this in a beast mode? I saw in some training video that…
Regression Line - Hover/Label Text
Hello, I wonder how %_slope is being calculated by Domo within the Hover or Label Text fields in the Regression Line Chart Properties. When I tried to calculate the numbers within the last 3 months, the result is consistent with Domo's calculation of slope (%_slope). However, I couldn't figure out why Domo's calculation of…
Filter Chart Type
I am creating a dashboard page and we prefer using filter chart types so we can move the filters anywhere in the dashboard that we see fit. My cards have variables that contain options for different data points so users can choose how they want to see the same report (eg. by year, by quarter, by month). Is there a way to…