How to Embed Domo UI for Data Explorer as an Iframe?
Hi everyone, I'm looking to embed the Domo UI for a Data Explorer into another application using an iframe. Has anyone done this before? If so, could you please share the steps or any documentation that might help? Specifically, I'm interested in: The necessary permissions and settings in Domo. The iframe code snippet or…
DataDog Dataset Join to Showcase Monitors and Events Together
Hello, I am trying to join the DataDog Events and DataDog Monitors datasets but I have not found any way to join them. I want to show every event that has occurred for each monitor over time with their severity. I have been looking at each of the respective datasets IDs and I could not find a primary/foreign key pair to…
Refresh Button Card to Refresh Domo Page in Embed
Hello, I am trying to write a Brick with a button to refresh the Domo Page back to the default load. I cannot use page filters to return to the Default Page Filters as my embed will not showcase these page filters. I saw that there is a button to refresh the Dataset on the click of the button (linked in this question) but…
Changing Labeling on X-Axis of Chart that Is Grouped by Period
Hello, I am creating a line chart with three categories and looking back 13 months and 13 weeks. My question is how can I get the x-axis labels for both month and week to show something different. For example, I created a dummy chart that shows the freethrow percentages of a basketball time that I manage in the land of…
Domo is ready, but we are experiencing issues uploading data parts.
Hello, I am getting this error "Domo is ready, but we are experiencing issues uploading data parts." for a dataset that I am updating once a day. This is using the Snowflake Managed Unload Connector. All the updates have been successful up to this point. Does anyone know what to do with this error?
Capability to Change size of Summary Number within Analyzer Card
Hello, I was wondering if there is some capability to change the size of the Summary Number within an Analyzer card without having to use a Brick or an App. This would give me some great flexibility as I could then fine tune what I could show in my cards without having to struggle through javascript, css, and html.
Configuring Card for Last Time Federated Dataset Refreshed Based on Browser Time Zone
Hello, I am trying to visualize in a card when the last time a federated dataset has been refreshed based on the timezone that a person's browser is set to. For example, if I see that this dataset last updated at 2 PM and I am in the Eastern Timezone, I would want that a person in LA time see that the dataset last updated…
Updating Color Rules on Symbol Line Chart
Hello, I am trying to do exactly as was asked in this forum question below. The only difference is that I have multiple lines and many timestamps on the x-axis. Given that this question was asked a bit more than 3 years ago, is there a better way of doing this?
Aggregating Numeric Column in a Line Graph over time based on a Different String Column
Hello, this is a continuation of I was wondering how I can show in a line graph for the MAX,MIN, and AVG of a column that is fixed on a different column. More specifically, I want to find the MAX, MIN, and AVG of a 'Completion Percentage' column based on a 'Group_1' column; meaning that I want to show the maximum of the…
Window Function on Fixed Column Finding Aggregations of Previous Beast Mode
Hello, I was hoping to find a way to take the MAX, MIN, and AVG of a calculation based on a column in a beast mode calculation. For example, I am creating the "Average Performer" as something like the below query but I am getting an error thrown. AVG(AVG((SUM(COMPLETED) / SUM(EXPECTED))) FIXED (BY GROUP_1)) I was basing my…
Not Allowing Addition or Subtraction of Page Filters in All Cases
Hello, the team I'm working with noticed that if you filter on an element in the chart, the default Domo behavior is to create a page filter. This would not be be so bad accept we are trying to control the page filters. Users are adding filters and users are even able to remove the default page filters we add by…
Sorting Heatmap by Month-Year Concat on y-axis and Day of Month on x-axis
Hello, I have a heatmap that on the x-axis has the Day of the Month and on the y-axis has the month and year concatenated, i.e. January 2022. My question is how can I order the axes in such a fashion that I get the most recent month and year concatenation at the top of the y-axis and have the rest of the month and year…
How to Make Page Filters with Single Select Capability
Hello, I was wondering how to generate page filters that have a single-select capability. Thanks
Allow Option to Make Page Filters Single-Select
Hello, It would be very helpful if there was an option to make page filters have the single-select capability. This would help with boolean filtering in an embedded instance while using page filters.
Adding Image to Campaigns Email Body with CSS Enforcement
Hi Domo Wizards, I am generating an email campaign using CSS for both my email body and for the attachment. For the email body, I want to add my company's logo to the email using CSS to place it exactly where I want it. How do I go about doing this? So far, I have uploaded the logo using a Doc Card but I seem to have…
Issues with Hovering for Plots Once It is Embedded
Hello, I created a hovering feature for one of the plots with linebreaks via a beastmode. The hovering works fine within the Analyzer feature but once I try to embed the card, the linebreaks are removed and I see the '\n' that indicates where I placed the linebreaks. Is this a common embed problem and if so, how can I move…
IncreasingTooltip Fields Number
I was wondering if there was a way to show more hovering options in a heatmap than the below Replacement Macros. I am trying to show more field values when I am hovering and I ran out based on the options available. In essence, I am trying to find a way to increase the number of Tooltip Fields available so that I can…
Adding Distribution List Column Value to Campaign for Each Email
Hello, I was wondering how I could add one of the column values for each row in the distribution list to the email's body and attachment. For my case, I have a column called 'NAME' as the recipient's name in my distribution list. I want to have that for each email, I want to start with 'Hi {{NAME}}…' in the email body and…
Way to Use Window Function to Find the Duration a Temperature Variable was Above a Threshold
I want to find a way to use a window function to find the duration a temperature variable was above a threshold, the timestamp at which the the temperature was above a threshold, and the range of temperatures when they were above the threshold. The data is organized as an identifier column, the timestamp column, and the…