How can I scale a line graph to actually show the trend?
Hello I have a line graph of actual # and the full year tracker of our target/stretch goal. This is a sum of all 3 areas and can filter to only show an areas progress. How can I use the scaling to actually show the tend line? Currently it is just a thin narrow straight line that does not show any progress? Thanks, Garrett
Syntax error?
Hello, I am trying to load a Oracle discover report into DOMO. The select statement works fine but when I add the statement below before the select statement I get a syntax error. Does anyone see a problem that needs to be changed? execute fnd_client_info.set_org_context (209);
P&L Card - Pivot Table
Hello, I am trying to create a P&L via DOMO pivot table card with our GL accounts. Everything works except the ability to show NET INCOME & EBITDA at the bottom. How would I go about this? I can use filter functions to show one or the other but cant see both at once. Is there a dynamic filter function or grouping beast…
Form Builder and Form Viewer Transformation
I am trying to use submissions we get from forms in DOMO via form viewer/builder apps and turn them into usable datasets that we can create cards with. Right now the form submission data puts the label in one column and the value in another and I would like to make it where the data looks like this: Date: | Model: |…
Trying to do a lag function to calculate if a specific order is fulfilling back order or inventory
Hello, Please see below on what I am trying to do. I have open orders that are ranked based on earliest ship date and the ORDQTY. I am looking at the total sales QTY for that model and trying to do a lag calculation to see if a specific line item is fulfilling the outstanding sales qty or going into a negative number which…
How can i subtract current values from previous week values?
Hello, I am trying to subtract current week values with previous week values and have the ability for this to update each week. How would I do this in Magic ETL? A lag function? So 5-19 week would subtract from 5-12 week and then next week I would like to see 5-26 week subtract from 5-19. Thanks, Garrett
Google Sheets connector datasets failing due to auth token expired.
Hello, I am seeing that something today happened for all of our google sheet datasets via connector are failing or having long run times due to this error message. "Domo is ready, but the authentication token is expired. Please verify your account credentials and try again" Does anyone know the resolution for this? I tried…
Looking for highest volume by a specific day as well as highest volume during a specific week
Hello, I am trying to take the data below and generate which day of the week has the average/max/min on volume. I would also like to know the average/max/min by day of the week and week of the month. How would I go about doing this inside DOMO? Essentially I would like to be able to answer the business question as follows:…
Making the QTY value to multiple rows
Hello, I am trying to take the data below and make the 'ORDQTY' column multiple rows based on Columns C and T and U. How would I do this? The end goal would be for row 2 would have two identical rows since there are a quantity of 2. Row 7 would have 4 identical rows and so-on. I am trying to have 1 unique row based on…
Inline Line Editing Structure
Hello, I am trying to use inline editing to make changes to a dataset by labeling a line item 'YES' or 'NO'. The data I receive is replaced each morning (Some line items are updated, some are removed, some stay the same. ) Currently any changes I make today to the data will be erased the next morning. I have tried doing a…
How to change colors of the chart based on timeframe
I am trying to change the colors of current month and future months a different color than past months. Past months show actual values and current/future months show forecast values. How would I go about doing this? What I would like is past months to be the current color below and current/future months to be a lighter…
Inline Editing Problem
I am trying to use the inline editing app to make changes to a row via multiple choice options. Everything seems to work fine until the input dataset updates over night and basically resets the column essentially erasing all inline edit inputs/changes. How can I resolve this?
Color Coding or conditional formatting in DOMO?
I am trying to make a scorecard for budget…etc… Let's say our budget in Jan was $14,418,053 and are actuals were below that. How could I turn that budget red? and vice versa if actuals were above budget it would be green? Is this possible in DOMO yet or are there work arounds. Thanks, Garrett
How to Calculate a rolling 7 day Average and Rolling 4 week average? in a beastmode
Does anyone know the correct beastmode calculation for a rolling 7 day average and a rolling 4 week average of a value? Thanks, Garrett
Set a moving average with a 12 month period to the trendline below
How would I overlay a moving average (12 month period) on the following trendline below: The data is by month - 2014-present and aggregated to a monthly rollup. Thanks, Garrett
FileMaker data needed to send to DOMO daily
I am working on sending over records from FileMaker each day on a update frequency. I have an API connection between the two sources but am having trouble finding the best possible method to send data to DOMO every 15 minutes. Right now I am using the import method but it will only replace data and not append. As this is…
P&L % of sales
Hello, I have a p&l that breaks out all balances by line item. I am trying to show this cards values as a % of the top line item 'Manufactured' How would I go about creating this beastmode to do this functionality? For example: 2023 Jan shows 2.3 for manufactured. If Warranty cost was .5 then I would like to see .5/2.3 on…
How to correctly pivot this data?
I am trying to pivot the data below in an ETL flow. I am having trouble formmatting it correctly to PIVOT how I need. I would like the following above to look like this after complete… How could I do this? Thanks
ETL Pivot Tile
I am trying to pivot the warehouse clean column with the values to show like this: How Would I go about formatting the pivot tile for this? Thanks
Is there a way to bucket columns similar to excel in DOMO?
I am trying to have a pivot table that shows weekly plans vs actuals. Is there a way to add a top layer of that to group the value columns into the top three pillars? Supply, demand, revenue. Thanks
SQL formula not working?
I have a series of tests that run to determine a pass or fail. All the formulas work but this one is giving me problems - CASE WHEN Critical/Major= 'Common' AND
No>= 2 AND Critical/Major= 'Major' AND No>= 1 THEN 'Fail' Any one know why this would not be returning a Fail?
Creating an Artificial downtime for maintenance for only week and work hours
I am trying to calculate downtime within DOMO. The downtime we have currenlty coming from the other system does not put in the factors of weekends and holidays as well as after hours. How can I calculate a correct amount of time between the starttime to endtime while only subtracting within the window. For example if A…
Dataset Email Connector
I have a dataset that updates via email connecotr. When the data is sent to the connector the dates turn into integers. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks
Form Builder and Form Viewer Transformation
I am trying to take the data I receive from form viewer forms that are submitted on a regular basis. The Answers I receive are put in a value column all together. I know on google forms you can create your own columns to have a nice flow of data coming in. I am trying to have an output of: Date: Model: Serial: Yes: No:…
Creating a Pass/Fail Test in Magic ETL
I am trying to create a pass/fail test in magic ETL. There are four test it needs to go through to pass or fail. Once a row is listed as fail I would want all the rows matching that submission ID to fail as well how would I go about this or what is the correct formula to use? for example It failed the first test but passed…
Formatting Fiscal Year and Quarter columns
I am trying to format a column that labels 'FY23' and 'Q1' based on a Period date. What would be the formula to create this? I know Quarter() and Year() functions work but how would I use those functions to format it in the way I need to see it? Thanks
Line chart formatting
How would I go about making one of these lines a dotted line and keep the other one how it is? Would it be in chart properties? if so, where? Thanks
Calculating a moving month within 3 months
I am trying to calculate a moving 90 day period based on month. For example what I would like to see now is the date rolled up into DEC,JAN,FEB and as we move to next month I would expect to see JAN,FEB,MAR. I know the current month function to get only the current month moving but having trouble integrating the following…
3 month moving with current month for a date column
I am trying to calculate a SQL formula for a moving 90 day period based on month. For example what I would like to see now is the date column rolled up into DEC,JAN,FEB and as we move to next month I would expect to see JAN,FEB,MAR. I know the current month function to get only the current month moving but having trouble…
Filtering null values on a card
I have beastmodes to calculate change in margin over years and I am trying to filter out when all three columns are null to keep only active fields. ( If one column has a change then all three columns should show) only filter when all three are null. I made a beastmode but it seems to be giving me some trouble.