I am in the process of
Creating new users
Does anyone know the best steps to create users via workflow from Salesforce connector?
Salesforce Connector Date Filtering
Is there a better way to filter the last 3 FULL calendar years for the Salesforce connectors - that are not using the query option.. I would prefer to use '= LAST_N_YEARS:3' but can only do that on the query's.. any suggestions?
Has anyone started to switch their recursive dataflows to use the new Upsert function? Are you still planning to build recursive dataflows? I have a few but going back and fourth on if switching is worth it/is it best practice?
Filtering a card
I am trying to filter off certain Key words for a column- But when I go to add several key words domo does not calculate properly.. is there any way to filter off multiple key words? The issue is these key words arent always at the start of the description so i dont think a beast mode would work. Let me know if I am wrong!
Company Turnover %
I am trying to calculate the company turn over %. We are pulling data from Salesforce into Domo. We have a custom object that lists all employees. These employee have an active/inactive status and a termination date. I am trying to figure out a way to calculate the total ACTIVE by INACTIVE YTD based on that term date.…
Beast Mode - Grouping
Hi! I am trying to fix this beast mode calculation to group properly. I need the time to group 12am-6am and then show 7am-7pm as separate lines and then group 8pm-11:59pm. The opened date column i am using is in this format '2023-10-22T07:18:17' which is why I am trying to use the beast mode, but the grouping doesn't seem…
Drill down from chart view
Is there a way to drill down from a bar chart view without only clicking one of the x axis chart values? For ex: I have an inbound vs outbound bar chart - If I click inbound or outbound bar graph the drill path will take me to a view of each (inbound or outbound) by account - But i am trying to see BOTH Inbound/outbound by…
Table Subtotaling
Having an issue when trying to subtotal the time columns. I want to be able to see the total off all the times rather than the count of each row? etg. 00:00:20 + 00:11:57+ 00:05:07… I moved my beast mode into ETL formula to try and get the field to work, but I cant get anything besides 'text' field to work.
Avg Time Formulas
I am having lots of trouble trying to figure this conversion out.. I have an excel file that I am bringing into domo.. within the card (table format) I am trying to get the average (as the average column already existing cannot be properly summed within domo). I am trying to take the 'talk time' divided by 'call id count'…
Syntax error with beast mode
Trying to convert a column to seconds but I am getting a syntax error and cant figure out where the issue is.. TIME_TO_SEC(`AVG Answer`) + ( DATE_FORMAT(`AVG Answer`, '%f')/1000000)
Card Drill Down Issues
OnlyI have a card that I am trying to use the drill down on for some reason it will not drill down when I am on the dashboard page. But when I view the card in 'detail' and click on the section on the pie chart, it drills down as expected.. Anyone have any clue why it wont drill down from the dashboard page?
Beast Mode Decimal number to Time Format
Is there a way to convert the current decimal number to (HH:MM:SS) format? We are using a beast mode that currently calculates minutes for us.. SUM(Talk time to decimal) / SUM(LIVE CONNECT count) = 1,167.83 / 85 = 13.74 mins.. Can i turn that into 00:13:74?
Rounding Data within card
Has anyone ever had the issue where the card data table shows duplicate values, which are being rounded, but these values ARE NOT in the actual dataset. Is there a filter or something I can do in analyzer to prevent this?
Time to Number value
I have tried to find a few answers on this but nothing has come up - is there a way to take a time column (00:02:01) and SUM ALL the values for the total Hours? I have tried SUM(HOUR('TALK TIME')) but that is not giving me the correct summarized number of hours. I also tried to do in the ETL but the column keeps coming up…
Creating a separate column using magic ETL
Hi there - I am trying to part of a value that is in a column and change it to be the full name. I keep getting syntax errors whehn going through ETL formula tiles. My formula is alot larger than this but this is an example - I have tried = instead of Llike, as well as contains, nothing seems to be working (becuase the…
Beast Mode Combining Columns
I need help figuring out if I am doing this beast mode correctly… We have an ETL that is not calcualting the sum correctly, so I am trying to use a beast mode instead.. I have 6 Columns I need the sum of divided by 6 more columns to equal the AVG I have tried several differnt ways to complete this - each column has value…
Syntax Error
Can someone help me with this formula? I need to show the number of X12_Month_Scheduled_Review__c - IF the Session_Date__c is THIS MONTH. Not all Session Dates will have a Scheduled Review Date. IF(Session_Date__c = 'THIS MONTH', THEN(COUNT(X12_Month_Scheduled_Review__c)))
beast mode calculation
I am trying to create a card that shows the percentage of data. I have a field from salesforce that is Target_Count__c and I need to show the how many targets actually have a date in the X12_Month_Review__c section (# of follow up reviews / percentage of target count). I tried to use this formula and filters but nothing is…
Beast Mode Syntax Error
I am trying to do a beast mode calculation and I keep getting errors COUNT(`Target_Review_Count__c`) / COUNT(DISTINCT `Session ID`) Calculation Error : Whoops! Something went wrong & it keeps changing to DomoHttpError