Deleting and recreating jobs in Workbench
Hi, Some of the jobs in workbench were not running on schedule and when I checked the log viewer and it says “Local is past due. Queued for execution”. I went ahead and recreated the same job just to check if they run on schedule and they do as expected. My query is if I delete the old jobs(which weren’t running on…
Error: No agent found matching computer name, or user does not have access to agent
DOMO workbench 5.0.7228.31236 has been installed on my Laptop and when I add account and authorize my machine, the browser confirms the authorization. However while saving the authorization, I get the following error. No agent found matching computer name, or user does not have access to agent The following troubleshooting…
Dataset jobs not running on set schedule
I've been running into issues where Workbench is scheduled to run a job every morning at 6 AM, but when I open Workbench at 9 or 10 AM the job hasn't run and the status under the job name just shows "Next run scheduled for 6:00 AM". Has anyone run into this?
Scheduling workbench jobs with a batch file and windows task scheduler
Hi, one of the questions I got yesterday was around scheduling workbench or other jobs using windows scheduler vs. the scheduler built into workbench. * See my reply for the solution.
WorkBenchのLock Data Typeが外れる・ロックされない
WorkBench v4.26を利用しています。 自動判別で各項目の型が変換されてしまわないよう、Schemaの設定で Data Typeで型を指定し、Lock Data Typeにチェックを入れています。 この状態でData Typeは変更されない想定なのですが、以下2パータンの状態になってしまします。 ・Lock Data Typeのチェックが外れてしまう。 ・Lock Data Typeのチェックが入っているが、Data Typeが変わってしまう。 同様の事象が起きている方はいらっしゃいますでしょうか? 解消方法をお持ちの方がいましたらご教授頂けますと助かります。 よろしくお願いします。
Filter out junk data
There is a dataset I import using Workbench, then transform using Magic ETL. The data includes values between 1-10, but sometimes will contain a random junk value like 324568. I'd like to filter out all values that don't fall between 1-10, but can't find a way to do this wihtout specifying every possible junk value, ie.…
Append data when columns missing from input data
Hello. I have a master dataset in domo which was originally extracted from a legacy system, and has 'timestamp' and 'id' columns which were specific to the legacy data set. New data is identical but with the exception of the fact that it doesn't include those columns. It seems if I try to append the data to the master data…
Workbench Scheduler to Batch Run Jobs
First some background...there are 6 Jobs that I need to run in Workbench every day. The source data becomes available at different times and I need to manually format the sorce files for all 6 before upload, so I can't set a daily time schedule to automatically upload. The last of the 6 uploads triggers an ETL to run, so…
Workbench 4.5 Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I am running Workbench 4.5 and when I migrated my Workbench 2.0 jobs I noticed that some were left out. When try to import them into Workbench 4.5 one by one I get this error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Has anyone else experienced this error and does anyone know what's causing it?
Workbench Error
I began receiving the error over the weekend while trying to execute workbench jobs that have historically ran successfully. The error message "DomoApi.Exceptions.IndexingFailedException" did not help point in a direction for fixing the issue. Have anyone run into this before?
Set Workbench Job to Pull in Most Recent File
Is there a way to have a Workbench 'Local File Provider' job look for the most recent version of a file (based on the Date modified) so long as the naming schema for the file is consistent? I have a report that autoexports out of one of our software systems, but the file name when it exports is always…
Workbench Transform Left() Error
I have a field called "period" that is currently in text format and every cell has exactly six characters in this format '201701'. I am trying to convert that to "2017-01-01" so that I can follow it up with a date transform. Problem is, I can't even get the LEFT function to work and it is beginning to drive me nuts. I keep…
WorkbenchでExcelやCSVをDomoにアップロードする際、Workbenchが自動的にカラム名とデータタイプを生成しますが、日付項目が文字列になってしまうことはありませんか? そのような場合、以下の方法で文字列として読み込ませることができます。 * Workbench内に表示されたヘッダー一覧が表示されているエリアで自動生成された対象の項目を探す。 * [Data Type]がSTRINGになっているので、DATEまたはDATETIMEに変更する。 * 右にスクロールを行い[Date Parse Fmt]を探す。 * [Date Parse Fmt]内に表示させたい日付書式を入力する。(参考) *…